February might be the most confused month, for it can’t even decide how many days it wants, I agree with Saurah Dixit. Yet, it has the most predictable theme. Love.

And I could write a lot about how it means so many things to so many people. Loving can heal and it can break. In fact, I once wrote a preface for a fiction book which explored love through three characters. I had to control my pen, for I would have filled more pages with the preface than the novel itself. So, I’d cut to the point.

I bring to you 10 ways to love better. Not just spiritual or romantic love but also love for oneself, the world and more, for love is life itself.

Come let’s perfect loving, because when we give love, we gain a lot.

10 ways to love better, for when we give love, we gain so much more. Also subscribe, it is free! tell a friend

7 Real Experiences

First Love: There is nothing more exciting than teenage love. Meera’s is also more adventurous than that Byomkesh Bakshi show. She bribes the whole neighbourhood with stolen sweets, makes blank calls to strangers, employs tuition-mates to source a picture of the crush she fell in love with at the first sight. This mushy serialised love story will have you in stitches, take you down memory lane and keep you wanting for more.

An Unusual Friendship: Can a renunciant and a householder be friends for real? An ode to an unusual friendship, that with a Sadhvi, who is in pursuit of recipes to serve to her guru. Nikunj Verma serves it with a lot of love to the reader.

Will You be My Mother: Rekha Arora fell in love with the boy the moment he arrived into the world. She was barely 18 and he, 4, when he lost his mother. She makes a difficult choice. 14 years later, fate has them in the same situation, the roles have been reversed. This real-life story will leave you with a lump in your throat and a smile on your lips.

She was barely 18 and he, 4, when he lost his mother. 14 years later, fate has them in the same situation, the roles have been reversed. This real-life story will leave you with a lump in your throat and a smile on your lips. tell a friend

Just Doing What He Does: An 11-year-old gets slapped by a rude relative. To his parents’ surprise, he still takes care of him all his life, and then of that man’s wife. His love is bigger than all the ego, all the thanklessness, all the ingratitude. He shows kindness because that’s the only thing he knows. Richa Pant writes about a man who teaches how to really love. And you’ll appreciate his wife who supports him unconditionally.

Loving Yourself: Self-love is the best love. Before you love others and before the others love you, you need to learn to love yourself. Komal R offers some practical tips that she has put to test herself.

Highway-2: “You bore into my soul and where it should be whole is now a hole shaped like you. I don’t know how to close up that hole again”. Read about Divya Om Manoharan’s heartbreak for such painfully beautiful lines.

Cheating in Marriage: What would you do if you found your partner had been cheating on you? Roshni Gurung writes about discovering infidelity in her marriage when she was nine months pregnant. She makes the difficult choice. She offers this intimate story to give hope and strength to many. Loving yourself is not easy. She also offers tips to cope with it.

Can a renunciant and a householder be friends for real? An ode to an unusual friendship, that with a Sadhvi, who is in pursuit of recipes to serve to her guru. tell a friend

Wisdom from Om Swamiji

When They don’t Love You Back: It’s the most painful feeling when love is not reciprocated. Om Swamiji writes on one-sided love and offers three choices.

The Art of Love: When it comes to love, the age-old adage, treat others like you want to be treated, does not work. Love is an art. Om Swamiji offers you the wisdom to master it.

It’s the most painful feeling when love is not reciprocated. Om Swamiji writes on one-sided love and offers three choices when they don't love you back. tell a friend

Perfecting Loving

Fistful of Love: If you want to perfect love, all you need is this collection of truth penned by Om Swamiji. 

Meanwhile, Surekha Chandrasekhar writes that love is also chocolate cake. I don’t contest the claim. So, as a bonus, I leave you with a lovely post and a recipe for chocolate cake in a mug.

Now, I believe in grand gestures (my husband knows, he has been made to make a few really grand ones), I have decided to profess my love for all you lovely writers by screaming it from the rooftop… err.. homepage. We will highlight four authors on the homepage, who will stay there for a week. I am still deciding on how to pick, for everyone is inspirational. Why don’t you suggest some criteria in the comments below?

Lastly, just writing about all these thoughtful posts fills my heart with so much love that I forgot I had a bone to pick with my husband. I totally acted normal when he returned from work! Anyway now, I’d think of something else later… just kidding… I have already thought of something, later doesn’t need to wait. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to act on it 🙂

Until next…