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Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in your spiritual journey. You are here because you applied for initiation and your request was accepted. You must have received the acceptance letter containing the password to open this page.
In case you did not directly receive the letter and this password was shared with you by someone else then I humbly ask you to leave this page now because not doing so puts you both in a moral breach of conduct. If, however, that’s not the case, please read on.
There are three steps to complete the process of initiation:
- Carefully read the contents of this entire page.
- Take the pledge as stated and watch the video.
- Fill out and submit the form at the end of this page to complete the initiation.
My formal acceptance of you as a disciple means I trust you and care about you enough to connect you with our illustrious lineage of extraordinary sages who have walked our planet for thousands of years. You are welcome to continue practicing whatever religion/God you believe in, as the purpose of the initiation is not to restrict but liberate you.
I do not seek anything material from you. But I do ask that you commit to leading a meaningful life. A life is meaningful when we live fully, responsibly, and gratefully. The meaning of these words will continue to expand for you as time passes.
To complete the process of initiation, you are required to take the pledge of discipleship. Even if I have initiated you in the past, it is advised to take the pledge so that you and I are on the same page.
How to Take the Pledge
It is recommended that you have a few drops (a spoonful) of fresh water handy as the best way to take the pledge of discipleship is to hold a bit of water in your right palm.
The Pledge
“I…<<say your full name>> hereby pledge my allegiance to Om Swami and accept Om Swami as my only guru. I am deeply honored to be a part of the lineage. I will try my utmost to lead a life of love and compassion, a life of sadhana, service, and charity. May the forces of the Universe be by my side.”
Once you have said the above words, you can leave the few drops of water you held in your right palm by your side.
Taking the Actual Pledge with Me
Once you have read the above, you can now watch the video below wherein I expound a bit more on this topic and say the actual pledge that you will take. In the video, I also chant a mantra of the lineage which is to be played only once. So unless due to any technical issues, you are not able to watch the entire video in one go, you can replay it. Otherwise, please note that this video is to be played only once. Everything in this video that you need to know is written on this page.
Confirmation of Discipleship
Once you have taken the pledge and watched the video, please submit the form below. If for any reason at all, you are not seeing the form, you can go directly to the form by clicking here. Please note that submitting this form is essential to completing the process.
Notes for You After You Have Taken the Pledge
From this moment on, you also have the right to use “Om” at the end or in the middle of your name (not at the beginning). It’s not compulsory but simply a privilege you can use if you feel proud of the lineage you are now a part of.
You also have the right to put the two optional marks on your forehead like I do. You can put just one (either one) or both or none.
I also place no dietary or other lifestyle restrictions on you. While I encourage you to be a vegetarian, I completely leave that to you depending on your circumstances.
Your body is a temple so, as strange as it may sound, I strongly recommend that you take time out for physical exercise as regularly as possible. Consider this a spiritual instruction. It will help you at every level.
Sadhana, service, and charity are the three primary tenets of discipleship. Therefore, there are three key instructions for you:
- Sadhana. Take any mantra from the Sadhana App and chant it daily for at least 5 minutes. Once a year do a minimum of 40-day sadhana of that mantra (once again, you can use the app to keep it simple.)
- Service. Find a way to serve others through any cause that appeals to you. It doesn’t have to be something grand. Even if you did a little bit regularly, that would be good enough. Just ensure that you are making a difference in someone’s life. And that someone has to be a person other than your family member.
- Charity. Do devote a fraction of your resources, however tiny that might be, to any good cause.
The sanctity of this relationship is of utmost importance to me. So if anytime you have a change of heart, or you no longer feel you can pledge your spiritual allegiance to me, please feel free to sever our ties by taking a bit of water in your palm and saying to the Universe that Om Swami is no longer your guru and then put that water anywhere on any ground.
At any rate, however, please know there’s one person in this world who only ever wishes you well and prays for your wellbeing. There is nothing transactional, no give-and-take in this beautiful bond of guru-disciple. As long as you have a place for me in your heart, in your life, you will find me, your guru, by your side. That is the sole purpose of my life.
May Divine Grace protect, nurture, and bless you immensely.
Please do not copy, share or publish the contents of this page anywhere at all. Everything written and shown here is meant to be read and viewed only here.
Many blessings.
By your side,
Om Swami
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