3y ago

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3y ago

Happy Birthday Hemanya

Youth Comes But Once In a Lifetime

3y ago

The Most Important Lesson from My Sadhana

Always Listen to Swami - There are no Exceptions

3y ago

My Thirty Day Guru Sadhana

OM SWAMI is a POSSIBILITY - Let's Not Make Him One More Picture in...

3y ago

Random Musings on Social Conditioning

Masterchef Australia, Love, Marriage, Childbirth, and other Existential Quandaries

3y ago

Not-So Random Musings – The Joys of...

“A word after a word after a word is power.” – Margaret Atwood.

3y ago

Random Musings

My Personal Diary for Everyone to Read

3y ago

Advanita Vedanta Through Stories – First Story

Lessons from a Washerman and His Donkey

3y ago

The Hygge of Om Swami and How...

Credit cards, Amazon sellers, loans, plots, and whatnots

3y ago

The Birth of Ganesha

My Creative Interpration of Guruji's Explanation

4y ago

A Portrait of My Mother

This was the first time I was seeing Kamala Iyer and not my mother

4y ago

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is not an optional lifestyle luxury. Sleep is a non-negotiable option.

3y ago

My First Gayatri Sadhana

Grace comes when your intent is pure