3y ago

Feed the Birds with Love and Care…

Try to feed the birds in best way i can....

3y ago

How to Drink Water as per Ayurveda

Strange but surely effective techniques to remain healthy forever

4y ago

One Moment Meditation by Martin Boroson

Learn to meditate in small fractions of time and bring this practice anywhere

4y ago

Yoga Tips for Healthy Eyes

Simple exercises for keeping eyes relaxed and disease free...

4y ago

Effective Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain

Today's bad posture might lead to disease tomorrow. Here are some yoga tips to...

4y ago

Be Persistent

Persistence is hard, but it’s what keeps us on the path to greater achievements....

4y ago

What Meditation Can Give…

Could meditation be part of your transformation? Here's my story

4y ago

Opportunity in Adversity

What opportunities we derived during this pandemic period