1 year ago

Jangam – the Moving Linga

The specific shav community always engross in the praise of Lord Shiva..

1 year ago

Love Unconditionally

Love unconditonally with persepective of Flower

1 year ago

Offering Food to God Before Eating

The Body is our Yajna Kund, Give Ahutis of Mantras to Offer Meal to...

1 year ago

Swasti Vachan Mantra

Let's understand the meaning of this beautiful Mantra

1 year ago

16 सिद्धियां

16 प्रकार की सिद्धियां जिसे साधना से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है

2y ago

भगवान कल्कि

भगवान कल्कि का अवतार कब, कहाँ, क्यों और कौन होंगे माता-पिता????

2y ago

योग: कर्मसु कौशलम

कर्मो को बिना किसी आसक्ति से कैसे करे की वह मोक्ष का मार्ग बने...

2y ago

How to Change Unhealty Habits.

Provide you a wonderful guideline that will definitely help you to change your unhealthy...

2y ago

Yoga Off The Mat

How we realise world when we are not on the mat. Let's share our...

2y ago

The Grace of Yoga

The words of thanks on my birthday to my yoga family....

3y ago

The Story of Lotus

Love, Faith and Dedication Leads to an Ultimate Bliss

3y ago

I Have to RESCRIPT..

Be Mindful With Your Emotions While Handling Your Kids .

3y ago

Be Proactive…

Take the Power of Decisions from Within.....

3y ago

Use the Gadgets more productive

Be Your Better version with amazing productive apps

3y ago

Reach Monkey to Banana.

The Hilarious and mindfulness reply