Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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5y ago
The Right to Die

Is a graceful voluntary exit better than dragging on with an unbearable life?

5y ago
The Book of Kindness

How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself

5y ago
Making a Genius

Is it possible to make any child a genius or are geniuses born with a certain temperament? Here's a fascinating true story.

5y ago
Gayatri Sadhana

A lot can happen with daily practice of the gayatri mantra invocation.

6y ago
Kindness Matters

Here's a beautiful story to make you think this weekend...

6y ago
Mind Full to Mindful

A single flower blooms, and throughout the world it is spring.

7y ago
The Ancient Science of Mantras

Do Mantras work in this day and age? Can the energy of a mantra help you realize your goal?

7y ago
The Seed of Fearlessness

With good parenting, it is possible to help a child become truthful and fearless in life.

8y ago
Million Thoughts – A Book For Meditation

Expert advice by a Himalayan Monk who practiced meditation for 10000 plus hours

8y ago
Wu Wei: Letting Good Things Happen

The beautiful Tao concept of Wu-Wei shows how non-action is the greatest action sometimes. Plus, an announcement...

8y ago
Kundalini — An Untold Story

The origin of kundalini goes back to the most ancient Puranic lore beginning with Shiva and his consort...

9y ago
A Fistful of Love

A Fistful of love is my latest paperback containing fifty posts on love, relationships and life from this blog.

9y ago
When All is Not Well

Just because things seem okay doesn't mean they are okay at all. This is the truth of depression.

10y ago
The Wellness Sense

A practical guide to your physical and emotional health based on Ayurvedic and yogic wisdom.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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