Let go and breathe in the real you

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2y ago

A differently-abled girl deals with abuse and hunger

2y ago
6 Unusual Health Tips That Experts Recommend Trying

Let's skip past the obvious and look at a few tips you may not have heard

2y ago
Don’t Try To Lose Weight!

5 unusual tips towards your healthy self to actually be stable for good

3y ago
Friendship with Time

Should we be worried about time or make time our companion

3y ago
Who Will Take Care of the Cows if Not for the Milk? – Part 1

This one liner turned me back to vegetarianism from veganism

3y ago
Finding Love

There is something 'positive' in this marriage

3y ago
20000 Pushups and Squats Later

How I stay fit with 25 minutes of workout

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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