Let go and breathe in the real you

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3y ago
What Makes You a Saint

In a world full of religious people, how do you identify a real saint?

7y ago
A Blessed Life

Sometimes, only when we hear what all others go through do we realize what a blessed life we have.

8y ago
The Four Truths of Life

Here's my version of the four truths of human existence.

10y ago
If Truth Be Told — A Monk’s Memoir

If Truth Be Told is my memoir slated to be released next month by Harper Collins India. This is my life's journey thus far.

11y ago
How to Attract

Lasting attraction is based on truth. If you are a real flower, butterflies will come to you automatically. Truth attracts.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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