Let go and breathe in the real you

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6y ago
Mind Full to Mindful

A single flower blooms, and throughout the world it is spring.

8y ago
Freeing Yourself from Anger

Here's a beautiful discourse by Buddha on removing feelings of annoyance and anger from your heart

8y ago
The Zen Mind

A single flower blooms and throughout the world it’s spring...every thought matters.

9y ago
The Mindful Chatterbox

If you want to enjoy the beauty of life then learn to turn off the chatterbox.

10y ago
The Source of Emotions

Emotions are the dewdrops that vanish upon the dawn of mindfulness. Practice this simple meditation to go to the root.

10y ago
How to Get Rid of Impure Thoughts

The mind is like a monkey, forever hopping from one place to another. It's not pure-impure or good-bad. It just is.

11y ago
Dealing with Stress

A man was never stressed and this intrigued his neighbors. Read the story for more.

11y ago

The sky remains independent of the colors and clouds in it. It returns to its natural state — blue. So can you.

11y ago
Being at Peace

If you let them be, negative thoughts are like bubbles that rise to the brim and disappear. Be aware and patient.

12y ago
How to Overcome Anger

Let go of your anger, let it sink like the setting sun behind the horizon. Here are three practices.

12y ago
Speaking the Language of Love

Nobody is strong enough to resist the language of love. It pierces the heart and goes straight to the soul.

12y ago
Restlessness in Meditation

A restless mind is comparable to a monkey, forever hopping and active. Mindfulness is the antidote.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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