KRISHNA's Followers

  • I firmly believe in what I say. And i believe that you're cherished. You are gracious. You are valuable and gorgeous.

  • An Ayurvedic Physician by profession, and an Samurai for our ancient science- Ayurveda. Am a novice in the path of spirituality:) and a beginner in the world of writing. Thanks to all the wonderful souls who read and encourage every writer here.

  • Devoted yogini. Mother of four. Lover of words, travel, and all things yoga. Not necessarily in this order. I write about my life experiences to make yours easier. Thanks for being here.


  • Shailaja Vishwanath is a content strategist and business coach for small business owners with over 14 years of blogging experience. Her website, Intentional and Creative Affluence, aims to simplify the art of content creation & authentic connection with a focus on intentional living. She helps creators grow a loyal audience of engaged readers, clients and customers while tapping into their passion. Her deep and abiding interest in intentional living and digital minimalism informs all of her writing.

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