What is Masculine Energy (And What Does It Really Mean)?
This is a subject that’s often talked about in the spiritual realm, yet it’s core purpose seems to be lost in translation.
The Divine Masculine – Idea & Information
The divine feminine and the divine masculine are two powerful energies that are available to all of us at all times. The divine feminine is the creative life force that exists in every single one of us and is essentially love-based. The divine masculine is pure consciousness and is also love-based. Due to these facts, both energies have an extremely pure and healing energy.
The difference between divine feminine & masculine
Again, everyone can have the same masculine energy no matter what gender. Divine feminine and divine masculine are thought of like Yang and Yang, and are both needed in balance but different from each other.
The excessive feminine power may result in indecisiveness and lack of action. Too much masculine behavior may also result in dominance and even warfare, he said. The goal should always be to find an optimal combination of both.
What is the divine masculine?
Some examples through history.
The notion of a divine masculine originates from masculine archetypes found throughout a wide variety of spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Greek Mythological and Christian beliefs. These figures represent divine masculinity in their character traits.
The Divine masculine is an archetypes and involves men and females. Despite their male origins these archetypes serve more as references to what divine masculinity really is, and this will bring us on to the next.
The divine masculine is the energy that animates creation and gives life. It is the energy of action and motion, action that creates change. The divine masculine is active, assertive, and authoritative.
Examples of the divine masculine in action can be seen throughout history:
The pharaohs of Egypt erected great monuments to their own glory.
The Knights Templar created a formidable military order that protected Christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem.
Napoleon Bonaparte led his army across Europe, conquering nations and establishing a French Empire that lasted until World War I.
Winston Churchill rallied Britain during World War II, leading them through their darkest hour with strength and determination.
Masculine and feminine energy in relationships
Masculine energy is active. It’s assertive and focused on achieving results. It is often associated with strength, leadership and power.
Feminine energy is receptive. It’s quiet, intuitive and nurturing. It’s associated with grace, love and beauty.
In relationships between two people, there are usually two different energies at play: masculine and feminine. These energies can complement each other or clash in a relationship. When they clash, it’s usually because one person’s masculine energy overpowers the other person’s feminine energy.
When people have different levels of masculine and feminine energy within them, it’s important for them to find someone who has an equal amount of masculine and feminine energy within themselves so that they can balance each other out.
Balance of masculine and feminine energy within
Masculine energy is the force of action in the world. It is the force that creates change and moves things forward.
Masculine energy is directed outwardly toward the world, while feminine energy is directed inwardly toward ourselves. Masculine energy is focused on doing things and making changes, while feminine energy is focused on being and becoming.
In relationships, masculine and feminine energies are balanced by their complementary nature. When masculine and feminine energies come together, they create a complete whole — a balanced partnership. Masculine energy takes what it wants from life through action, while feminine energy receives from life through surrendering to its flow.
When masculine and feminine energies come together as one, they form an amazing synergy that brings about miracles — including healing miracles!
What is masculine energy in a relationship?
Masculine energy is the energy of action, movement, direction, and creation. It is the energy of the sun and the sky. It is the force that moves mountains, crushes rocks into sand, and creates oceans. Masculine energy is about taking action and making things happen.
In relationships, masculine energy is about being assertive and taking charge. It is about taking responsibility for your own actions rather than blaming others for your mistakes or failures.
Men with a lot of masculine energy are often seen as leaders because they know what they want and how to get it. They aren’t afraid of hard work or taking risks in order to achieve their goals. Women with a lot of masculine energy are often seen as “ball busters” because they don’t take any crap from anybody!
Men with too much masculine energy can be overbearing and abusive toward their partners; however, when properly balanced with feminine energy, men with masculine energy can be extremely attractive!
Women with too much masculine energy can be pushy and aggressive toward men; however, when properly balanced with feminine energy, women with masculine energy can be equally attractive.
Masculine energy can be positive or negative. If someone has too much masculine energy in their personality, they may come across as aggressive or insensitive. On the other hand, if someone has too little masculine energy in their personality, they may come across as lacking purpose or direction in life.
The middle ground between these two extremes is where most men and women should find themselves. A man who has a balanced amount of masculine energy will feel confident in his ability to take care of himself and his family while also feeling compassionate towards others around him. A woman with a balanced amount of feminine energy will feel independent enough to take care of herself yet still open to receiving love from others around her.
Masculine energy is the essential part of a man. It is his power or strength, his ability to take action, and his ability to be responsible. Masculine energy has been shown to be the force behind many of the great accomplishments in history. It is like a powerful rocket that can move mountains, but if it doesn’t have direction, it will fall into the sea.
Most of the time, the Divine feminine and masculine energy are wounded due to different life experiences, emotional relationships or trauma that remained un-healed or partly healed. – Divine feminine and masculine energy
What are the traits of masculine energy?
Masculine energy will always strive for balance. It wants to create harmony in the world and within ourselves. It can be described as being rational and logical, whereas feminine would be emotional and intuitive.
The Divine Masculine has been suppressed for thousands of years by religions that have taught us to suppress our emotions, feelings, and intuition (all aspects of the feminine). This repression has created an imbalance between masculine and feminine energies in society as well as within ourselves.
The imbalance between feminine and masculine energies has been responsible for many wars throughout history because people have forgotten what it means to live in harmony with each other rather than against each other.
It has a tendency to be very focused on results — if you want something done right, do it yourself! If you want something done well then do it yourself because no one else will do it as well as you can do it!
When it dominates our lives we become workaholics or work ourselves into an early grave! We become very controlling in our relationships with other people and try to dominate them by controlling their lives through micro-management or by making them feel bad about themselves so that we can feel better about ourselves!
Does masculine energy get wounded?
The concept of the wounded masculine has been around for a while. The idea is that men have been wounded by women and by society. Men have not been allowed to be themselves, to express their feelings, or to show emotion. This is why they are often afraid of their emotions and feel like they need to be tough.
The wounded masculine attributes in a male body would be:
- He has attachment to success
- He fears failure
- He needs to be right at all times
- He can be aggressive and can use violent communication
- Cold and distant
- He can be critical and judgmental
- Selfish
- He is stuck in the mind
- He is not in touch with his emotions and heart
- He can be revengeful
- He is disconnected to his feminine energy
Here are the attributes of the healthy masculine in a male body:
- Non-Judgmental
- Committed and Powerful
- Deep Integrity
- Humble
- Focused and Disciplined
- Grounded
- Honest
- Accountable
- Compassionate
Here are some of the attributes of the wounded feminine:
- She is manipulative
- She controls people
- She looks for external validation
- She lacks self-confidence
- She is desperate for love
- She has no boundaries
- She is insecure, can be angry, vindictive and bitter
- She is jealous
- She is stuck in victimhood
Here are some of the healthy, Divine Feminine attributes:
- She is forgiving
- She has strong boundaries
- She is authentic
- She is receptive
- She is vulnerable
- She is loving and supportive
- She is creative and intuitive
- She is compassionate
Some women can be partly wounded and partly healthy, with different degrees and variations of those attributes

So, what is masculine energy anyway?
Masculine energy is what holds the world in balance, it is pneuma, which literally translates to spirit. It is fire, heat, air, and movement. It’s what shapes the environment around you and motivates you to act. It doesn’t mean physically strong or superior intelligence; rather it’s a spiritual strength you’d obtain through discipline of mind and body. It is the driving force of creation.
Simply put, it is the energetic aspect of the deity which empowers and inspires human beings to achieve their greatest. It’s a divine quality that gives you the power to create great things in the world and it has nothing to do with how much money you make, how fit or strong you are or anything else of that sort. It is an innate part of your being. You were born with it.
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