2y ago


Or it's lack thereof.

2y ago

Pesky pupper

Thinking of getting a dog? Give this a read first. #TheWriteChoice

2y ago

Pristine forests

And my love for them. #TheWriteChoice

2y ago

A tryst with the Lord.

The time I visited my ancestral temple. #TheWriteChoice

2y ago

Winter Woes

Can I go for hibernation, please? #TheWriteChoice

2y ago

Laughter Mania

Do you also laugh in serious situations #TheWriteChoice

2y ago


What happens to religion when fear is left out of the equation?

2y ago

Getting back on track!

A few productivity tips to set up your daily routine

2y ago

What Am I Trying to Escape?

Musings of a 20 year old escapist when in crisis

2y ago

Another day. Another miracle.

When the Divine makes little things in life, easier.

2y ago

When I had a Glimpse of My...

What truly is this fabled "Ego" that needs to be destroyed for self realization?