3y ago

Panic Monster is at Work

You can do it - Part 2

3y ago

Panic Monster is at Work

You Can Do It!! Part 1

3y ago

Get Angry, if You Must, only if...

its a boundary where Anger and Assertiveness meet. Stay there

3y ago

Thank You for Making Me a Better...

Gratitude to Zenitude

4y ago

When Life Teaches a Lesson, Its for...

Somethings they are to learnt in our own way!!

4y ago

To Really Read

How many books have you read?

4y ago

I Want to Forgive but I Go...

क्षमा वीरस्य भूषणम , But wouldn't Forgiving make me appear weak, meak, timid!!

4y ago

The Emotional Effect of Your Spoken Words

We Cant' seperate the drop of water once its in the river. And we...

4y ago

Symphony of Harmony or Confrontation, Choice is...

Whats common between the two seemingly opposite situation of RAK and Abuse?