2y ago

Regaining Your Health,

slow an ardous journey well worth the effort

2y ago

Self Destructive Tendencies -the Dark Phase

When mindfullness went far far away from where I was

2y ago

When the Lion Roared Again, As is...

what was it all for? did i gain anything at all.

2y ago

Mindfullness 101

what it really is, and a surprise at the end

2y ago

Constant Need for Mindfulness

what am i doing right now? where am I present right now

2y ago

Unexpected Advantage of Mindfulness

It saved my day , it prevented a fight

2y ago

1% Changes December 2022 Part 1

Introduce new stuff or preserve the old ones.??

2y ago

Can Mundane Daily Activities Help Build Concentration?

The Power of Unwavering Focus by Dandapani: Audible audio program lessons

2y ago

1% Change Part 5 Brain Memory Enhancer...

brain power enhancer - magic memory herb

2y ago

Only Action – 1% Changes Series Part...

whats the one small thing I could do to tackle my overall physical health...

2y ago

No More Reading Only Action Part 2

whats the one tiny thing I could do right now to improve my life...

2y ago

No More Reading and Watching , Only...

Those 1% changes that actually matter