Today, I have a round-up of blogs that will inspire, motivate, and urge you to live your best life.
The curation has inspiring stories of people who changed their lives and set the course for others. For instance, Lakshmi writes about studying at IIT back in 1976 when girls were married off than sent to higher studies. Then, there is Elena, who sold off her car, moved on from her marriage, packed her life in the US in 4 suitcases and moved to India at 51. Never too late to change life, and never too early to change life.
You will also read about Shiva’s little experiment with showing respect to everyday gods, who make our life shiny. Brooke is breathing a new life after divorce and is inspiring the readers to look at painful episodes with a renewed understanding.
There is much more.
Glean wisdom from real people and their real stories to coruscate with life. Lovely word, that coruscate fellow.

Transformative Ideas
The Hemp: This is a post ideal for starting your day. Akshay shares a tale of two merchants from the Wise Tales from the East by Uri Kaplan. The story will motivate you to drop the baggage and embrace the gifts. I promise! Read it now.
Respect is Earned… umm… Why should it be?: Shiva sets on an experiment to test the age-old adage that respect is earned. She sprinkles ‘thank you’ like confetti and wins love and people over. Worth a read.
Divorce: Brooke writes about her recent divorce with empathy towards herself and her ex. There is pain and things she is still trying to understand, but in the middle of all this, there is a sense of relief. It is a refreshing read.
Fruits of Karma or Not?: Madhum reflects on the wisdom: Do your job, do not think about the results. The detachment to the fruits of labour and what we control and what we do not… Share your two cents on the thought-provoking blog.
It’s Never Too Late for Change: “When I was 51, I catapulted my life. I somersaulted it without a safety net. It was a soft landing. I packed four bags (large ones ) and moved to India,” writes Elena, who made this life-altering decision of shifting to Rishikesh all the way across the ocean from America.
20 Spiritual Instructions to Help You Live a Better Life: Kuldeep has gleaned spiritual books and texts for wisdom to help live life better. If you followed even 5 of the 20 things he lists, you’d have a happier and healthier life.
IIT Diaries – Part I: The year 1972 wasn’t the best time to be a bright girl child. Educating a girl child meant going against the prevailing belief that women don’t need education because they would grow up to be housewives, et al. Yet! The time had its share of visionary families, like that of Lakshmi’s. Lakshmi got through IIT-Chennai, and her family was happy for her to study there. The talented Lakshmi was one of the only three girls in her batch. Undoubtedly, they were the ones who paved the way for girls of the generations that followed. She writes about her life and time at one of the best institutes in the country.
नारायण! क्या आओगे तुम?: Poets are magical creatures. They dive deep into our thoughts and paint them into beautiful pictures through words. They say our thoughts for us. They are like Snigdha, who powerfully expresses our feelings so effortlessly. Sample this captivating verse:
ना जानूँ कोई पूजन,
अज्ञानी हूँ मैं भगवन!
किस पुण्य के बदले तुमसे
‘तुम’ मांग लूँ, माखन?
Watch it Now!
Wisdom from Om Swami
Purpose of Life: The most popular existential question: What is the purpose of my life? The second most popular question: How do I find the purpose of my life? It’s your lucky day, because you’ll find answers to both in this blog by most popular spiritual leader from India Om Swami.
A Word on Love: What is love? How do I love the one I love? Spiritual leader Om Swami writes, “To love is to make the other person at perfect ease in your presence, so they can be themselves… Don’t hurt back when you are hurt. Let the dust settle after the storm and then express yourself non-violently, compassionately.” Here’s everything you need to know to make your love work.”
I know what else you have been waiting for. Yes, we will be playing the Secret Santa style. After the resounding yes from y’all, there was no way we weren’t doing it. More details in the next week’s newsletter.
Remember to tell me which blog helped you coruscate the most.
Until next…
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