Have you ever gone through a bad breakup, only to find yourself in another relationship with a similar person? Or maybe you’re reading this because your spouse or friend is acting out of character, and it seems like no matter what you do; they won’t change their behavior. Well, this article offers some hope. These people act the way they do because of a soul tie between the two of you.
Positive aspects of a soul tie
A soul tie is a spiritual connection between two people that can negatively affect one or both of them. The term “soul tie” describes the energetic cords that connect us, humans, to each other. These cords are sometimes referred to as “karma” or “energy ties,” but they go by many names depending on your culture.
The positive side of this is that soul ties can be someone with whom you share a platonic bond — maybe it’s your best friend, parent, or sibling. It could also be someone who helped you out when you were down on your luck and needed help (and vice versa). This type of soul tie will usually bring lots of good things into your life! If these relationships last over time without negative consequences (like bitterness), they’re known as healthy soul ties.
Positive soul ties can help you feel empowered, supported, and loved. You might be able to sense them as warm feelings in your chest or as a reassuring voice in your head. Negative soul ties can make you feel powerless, alone, or depressed. You might sense them as cold feelings or voices telling you you’re not good enough.
Negative aspects of a soul tie
You can have positive or negative soul ties to people who influence your life experiences. A soul tie is an emotional connection between two souls. These connections can form in many ways: family, friends, co-workers, and even people you’ve never met in person but are connected to through social media.
Soul ties form over time when you form an emotional bond with a person that lasts beyond the physical presence of that person. These bonds can be negative or positive—they can bind you to someone supportive and loving or toxic and manipulative.
When you have a negative soul tie with someone, it means they’re affecting your life negatively (like being abused by someone). You may feel powerless to leave this relationship because of feelings of guilt or obligation, fear of retaliation (from either yourself or others), or because of other issues like financial dependence on them.
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Soul ties with near and dear ones
You can have soul ties to anyone who has impacted your life—friends, family members, teachers, bosses, or even pets! When someone strongly influences your life (whether positive or negative), there’s likely an energetic connection between the two of you.
This energetic bond that connects people can be formed in several ways, including:
1. Soulmates:
When you meet someone and instantly feel like you’ve known them forever, that’s a soulmate connection. It can happen even if you don’t have a functional relationship with the person.
2. Love connections:
Any time people have an emotional or physical relationship, they create a soul tie—even if it ends badly!
3. Past lives:
This is another form of soul tie if you believe in past lives and think you’ve been with someone before.
4. Energetic connections:
Even if you’ve never met a person before but have some shared energy, like being part of the same spiritual group or having similar interests, this could create a soul tie between the two of you.
5. Soul connections:
A solid connection between two people—such as when one helps another survive trauma or tragedy—can also create a soul tie between them (even if they’re not actually related).
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- You can have positive or negative soul ties to people who influence your life experiences.
- Positive soul ties can be good for you. For example, if someone you love and trust tells you they care about you, it can make you feel good about yourself and strengthen your sense of self-worth.
- Negative soul ties can be bad for you. If a person is making hurtful comments or mistreating others in front of you, it could affect how good or bad you feel about yourself after the encounter.
- Most people have positive and negative associations with certain people throughout their lives (even if those associations aren’t prominent).
- For example, some people might have had an abusive parent growing up who made them feel like they weren’t worthy of love—and even though that parent is no longer in their life anymore (or even dead), there may still be remnants of this experience lingering within them as adults because they never fully healed from those feelings during childhood development stages when growth was at its peak!
Soul ties in a marriage
A positive soul tie in a marriage is like a friendship: it’s built on trust, affection, and mutual respect. It’s the kind of union where both parties are committed to working together as a team to make their romantic relationship better. A negative soul tie in a marriage is more like an abusive relationship: there’s no trust or respect—just resentment, anger, and resentment.
Soul ties to toxic people can lead to depression, anxiety, addiction, marital discord, and other forms of misery.
You might be wondering why anyone would want to cut off a relationship that felt so good at the time. When parents, relatives or caregivers emotionally abuse children, soul ties are often formed in childhood. These kinds of emotional abuse result in trauma which makes it difficult for people to trust others and develop healthy relationships later on in life as adults.
How to break a soul tie?
Breaking a soul tie can sometimes be challenging.There is no magic formula for how to break a soul tie. Some people have tried everything they can, and nothing seems to work. It can be discouraging to keep trying and failing.
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Some ways to avoid unwanted soul ties include prayer, establishing healthy boundaries, and fasting. A soul tie is a connection that has not been severed.
It can happen when one person or both people are experiencing strong emotions, such as anger, sadness, or jealousy. These emotions are often rooted in the past, so soul ties can form if someone has unresolved issues with someone else from their past.
The connection can be mutual or one-sided, but in either case, it is a powerful force that can cause both parties to feel intense pain when the relationship ends.
Breaking soul ties can be difficult because they aren’t always evident in the beginning and may not be recognized as such until several months into the relationship. If you find yourself feeling depressed or anxious after ending a relationship with someone who has become very important to you, then it’s possible that you have a soul tie with them.
The first step toward breaking your soul ties is recognizing them for what they are: an emotional attachment causing you to suffer unnecessarily. You must also understand why this person has become so important to you — often, it’s because they remind you of your ex or someone else from your past who hurt you deeply. Once this connection has been made, it isn’t easy to undo without help from someone who understands how vital these connections can be.
Breaking soul ties requires a commitment to heal yourself of past wounds and learn how to remove negative thoughts from your mind so that they no longer control your emotions and behavior.
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It’s important to understand that soul ties aren’t always negative—they can also be positive. However, a negative soul tie between two people can cause trouble for both individuals and their relationship.
1. Prayer
Most people have a relationship with God that is much more casual than it should be. One way we can break unwanted soul ties is through consistent prayer. Praying daily can help us establish strong relationships with God.
If you’re struggling with soul ties or any other spiritual issue, praying is the most important thing you can do for yourself or your loved ones to heal at a deeper level.
2. Establishing healthy boundaries
Having healthy relationships means ensuring that each person knows their role and how much time they will be required to dedicate to it (e.g., family members).
This helps everyone feel valued because they know what’s expected of them at all times; otherwise, there could be confusion which causes unnecessary stress on all parties involved!
3. Fasting
Fasting has been practiced throughout history as a form of self-denial that allows us time away from distractions to focus on ourselves better before returning refreshed once again!
4. Forgive yourself
If there’s something you need to forgive yourself for in your past (either something you did or something you didn’t do), forgiving yourself will help remove the burden of guilt from your heart and mind. This will allow you to move forward without carrying extra baggage from the past.
The first time I heard about a soul tie was when I read a book called “The Art of Living Consciously” by Louise Hay. She talked about how she had broken all of her soul ties with her mother and father by forgiving them for all the wrongs they had done to her in their lifetimes. You can read more about Louise’s story here: http://www.hayhouse.com/author/louise-hay/
Once you have forgiven someone for all the wrongs they’ve done to you in their lifetimes, it is easy to detach yourself from them and break all of your soul ties with them because there is no more energy flowing from you to them.
This doesn’t mean there isn’t still love in the relationship anymore. It just means that there is no more attachment or control from one over the other because of past hurts that were never healed.
5. Talk things out
If something is bothering you, but it’s too difficult to talk about directly with the other person involved in your situation—whether it be because of fear of rejection or fear of conflict—try writing them an email explaining how you feel about what happened between the two of you before things got out.
6. Heal Yourself
Ask for help from an energy healer or psychic. Heal yourself by releasing the pain of your past experiences and embracing self-love instead of self-hate or self-judgment.You can do this by practicing mindfulness — paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions, and surroundings without judgment or criticism to see things clearly without getting caught up in the negativity that keeps you stuck in a place mentally or emotionally (or both!).
7. Write down your feelings
About the person who hurt you and how they made you feel sad or angry, burn the paper by lighting it on fire with a candle, saying, “I release this energy into the universe.” The smoke will carry out all those negative feelings so that they no longer exist within your body (or at least not as much).
8. Visualize
Yourself being free from any attachments to this person so that they no longer hold any power over your emotions or thoughts. This can be done by imagining yourself high up above their house so that they look small compared to everything else around them (like mountains, sea, etc.)
The yogic method – The permanent method of healing
This is the more difficult, but permanent, method. It can heal you beyond just the incident in focus. Success in all yogic methods depends on the aspirant’s ability to sit still, concentrate, and visualize. Maintaining one posture stills the primary energies, concentration stills the five secondary energies and readies your mind, and visualization is the actual healing.The longer you are able to hold onto your visualization during your session of meditation, the quicker the healing. Visualization is like performing surgery; the patient (mind) needs to be perfectly still (posture) while the surgeon (you) concentrates and does the procedure (visualization).
9. Detachment
Detaching from someone means that you stop clinging to them in hopes of getting something back (emotional support, validation, etc.) You may find yourself doing things for them out of habit even though they no longer serve any purpose in your life.
10. Meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways to clarify what’s holding you back from moving forward in life. It allows us to become more aware of our emotions to better understand how we’re feeling about certain situations (and whether those feelings are justified).
Real-life experiences of soul ties
Here are some real-life experiences of os.me members on how soul ties affected them.
The soul will never be healed if left unattended.
Situations, calamities, and tragedies, when they occur, leave a profound impact on one’s psyche and take a long time to heal, and further blaming the person going through the trauma can reap havoc or even death.
I felt just the same. For me, it was a do-or-die situation. My father’s properties, business, and wealth became the priority of my sister-in-law and his family, and eventually, my brother fell prey to it, says Siddhika Umesh.
It’s natural to feel to have someone by your side who should be wise enough to understand you, and even better if you are made to live and laugh in a company of like-minded souls. In many cases, it does not happen.
Being quiet and patient is boosted as being strong, which could be otherwise. Strength, too, needs channelizing like weakness. The Soul would never be healed if left unattended or unacknowledged, despite all its proper functionalities. Strength, too, needs a pat on the back. Our wise choices, our being grounded, and everlasting peace can only come from a healed heart and mind. The right environment and people matter the most.
God has very intricately fabricated our innocence with divinity. Let no distorted thought or dismantled intent of an intruder tamper it. Read Siddhika Umesh’s real-life story.
Every relationship hurts.
It can be because of a difference of opinion or trying to control too much; reasons can be different. Cutting the ties is not cutting away the relationship. It is cutting your control on the other person, shares Sarvani.
Once this is done, the relationship improves since there is no demand on the other person to behave the way you want them to be, and you would accept the person as they are.
This holds good not only in the case of partners but also in relationships with parents, children( once they grow up, we should not try to control them but let them make their decisions, giving suggestions is fine), friends, or anyone else.
And finally, the best relationship you can ever have is with God, which will never fail, disappoint, or hurt. Read the beautiful poem shared by Sarvani on soul ties.
When we share our lives with people, we should be aware of the impact those relationships have on us and others. We can find peace and happiness in our daily activities by breaking unhealthy soul ties.
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