Prahalad's Followers

  • Dentist. A Seeker. An initiate of Sri Ramakrishna order. Blessed to be born in this ancient land of the Rishis and to have met Om Swami. To serve and to realize the Divine in everyone and everything.

  • I am a student ,a fifteen year old a girl with an extremely sweet tooth, a Baker at times, a bibliophile , an ambivert , a devotee and an aspiring scientist.

  • The best thing that has happened to me in my life is Gurudev accepting me as HIS disciple! I keep thinking whether I am worthy of being Gurudev's disciple and of the glorious lineage we belong to. I do not know. Gurudev, in his grace, takes the bruised and battered bodies, minds and souls under his wing and heals them. I know that for a fact. So here I am , seeking HIS grace, blessings and guidance across my many lifetimes.

  • Being in medical practice, realised that there is the greater science behind this life science. With full faith in advait vedanta, wish to share the key to happiness and peace I got, with others. Hari Om!

  • Living one day at a time

  • I am forever learning from life and myriad experiences it brings along. The world puzzles me as much as it fills me with a sense of wonder. I cherish spending time in solitude.

  • In Love With Mother Divine

  • A Child of Mother Divine

  • I'm a husband to a beautiful wife, father to 3 little kids, and a disciple of Om Swami. Like many of my guru brothers and sisters around the world, I'm in the process of lighting my lamp and am relishing the spiritual journey.

  • A child of Divine Mother, on a journey to reach her within ❤️

  • I'm grateful to the Universe for this wonderful life and the opportunities to get the best out of it. "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached" - Swami Vivekananda.

  • On a journey of Self-Discovery. Laugh. Live. Love.

  • A Physics enthusiast, nature lover, photographer, a researcher, a seeker getting anchored by super strong & graceful Swamiji. Being a good human is my Sadhana. I want to remain a student till I die..

  • Hi, I am Nikunj. It’s difficult to write more than just a name because I am so much more and yet less than a dot in this massive universe. This dot is trying to find passion in day to day life. Sometimes, I am a bright dot, sometimes an angry dot & sometimes a happy dot. Currently trying to be an internet marketer to connect the dots…

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