Change is here. Can you smell the new?
But first, a little chit-chat.
Valentine’s Day has come and gone. I hope yours went well.
It is important to cherish and celebrate the love we share with those closest to us in this world. It’s a reason to feel joyful. I hope you spent some quality time with the love of your life yesterday.
Did you tell the person you love that they are lazy? Please remind them they need to lose a few inches and several kilos. I am sure you told them they need to be much better, a little taller, a shade lighter, more successful and that receding hairline… Oh! Sorry. We don’t indulge in negative talk about and with the love of our life.
The fundamental principles of love, dignity, and respect should always guide our interactions with those we care for.
Then why do we incessantly point out the flaws in the person we spend the most time with? Why are we mean to the one who is always with us, even when we are alone or lonely? Why are we such a jerk to ourselves?
Think about it! The things you would never say to a stranger, you say to yourself. Everyday. ‘I am lazy. I am not good enough. I can do so much better. I am fat. I wish I were taller.’ You get the drift.
All too often, we are guilty of being overly critical and harsh towards ourselves, indulging in negative self-talk and pointing out our perceived flaws and shortcomings.
Self-love is the highest form of love. Self-love impacts our ability to pour love and kindness into the world. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
But you know this already. You find it difficult to love yourself. So, here’s a tip. To cultivate a positive and supportive relationship with ourselves, we can adopt a simple practice: Talk to yourself as if you were talking to and about someone you love.
What does this mean? If you don’t tell them they were fat, don’t tell yourself that either. If you’d only be polite to the other person, be polite to yourself. If you will compliment the other person on their good things and ignore mentioning the ‘not-so-great’ things, do the same for yourself.
Do that for a week, and see how your body radiates bliss. It might require effort initially, but with persistence, it will become your nature. Thank me later!
Enough with my gyan. Here’s a significant announcement.
Your favourite platform and trusted companion is streamlining it’s “Community First” approach. is changing.

Recently, we formed a distinguished assembly called as the Samurai Council. This collaborative body of spiritual warriors continues to grow as we add more to the fold.
Drawing on the principles of truth and kindness, the council would provide direction to our lovely community. This platform belongs to the community and if you are keen to join Samurai Council, you can apply.
To amplify the council’s wise counsel and guidance, we are rolling out a few changes. The editorial corner will now become the Samurai corner. It will be called “Voice of Samurai”. It will be a space where the council’s wisdom and insights will be shared and amplified to inspire and guide the community. You will find round-ups by the Samurai Council members here — a monthly summary of thoughts & voices around various spiritual topics.
Samurai corner would make it easier for you to access Samurai viewpoints and articles. Come to this corner and savour the magnificent ideas, useful hacks and life-altering wisdom. You can also talk directly to Samurais, just go to their profile and message them.
What about my editorials? I’d continue to publish my Digest in this corner. I’d continue to highlight some of the terrific writings from our wonderful community and you can follow me to stay on top of everything

Transformative Ideas
The Invisible Cloak of Kindness: It was a hot afternoon. A poor boy was trying to pay his college fees by selling items door-to-door. He got hungry. He knocked at a door. A young girl opened the door. In that moment, the girl saved her life without even knowing it. Sanjana Om shares this oft-told story to emphasise the eternal truth — a kind act is the most rewarding action.
The Lord’s Divine Play: Sowmya was trusted with treating a month-old baby who was suffering from a rare disease. Science and tech came to the doctor’s and the baby’s rescue. However, a series of events, or coincidences, made our person of science say, there are no coincidences in life. Here’s the full story. PS: I love happy endings.
When Vivekananda Spoke Against Taking Pride in Charity: There is a correct way of doing everything. To discover the morally correct way of extending a helping hand, read journalist Keyur Seta’s blog. For when we help others, the others are helping us more.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: The key to liberation lies in the now! Buddha’s declaration of enlightenment signifies the end of pain and suffering. The mind needs to be at rest to realise Buddha’s declaration of enlightenment, which signifies the end of pain and suffering. To access more such gems from spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle’s book, the Power of Now, quickly, read Manojanand Swami’s blog.
How to Save a Life: “Karthik, it’s about Isaac, he passed away early today morning,” Ali informed his friend. Karthik and Ali remember their friend, and those memories save Karthik’s life. Read this blog, maybe it will motivate you to change gears and live your life fully. After all, life is too short to not live your dream.
Signposts on My Inner Journey: Hearing about transcendental experiences fill me with hope, energy and gratitude. In this blog, I got to read not one but three such experiences that might not have any scientific explanation. But if you are a believer, you know such things happen. And God’s watching!
That Demon Called Perfection: Perfectionism is a trap. It’s a mirage. The more you think you are getting closer to it, the farther it appears. Rashmi realised it first-hand during a musical recital. Her music teacher showed her the mirror.
Maharshi Durvasa: The Grandmaster of Saiva Tantra: This post by Das is dedicated to Rudra-avatar Maharshi Durvasa. It highlights his lesser-known contributions to Saiva Darsana. Read it to rejoice in the glory of Shaivite Tantras. Know your roots, become stronger.
Watch this Now!
Wisdom from Om Swami
A devotee’s Resolution. God’s manifestation: ‘After Krishna had eaten three chapatis and He was ready to take the fourth one, Dhanna, looking askance, held His hand. He told Krishna that he was very hungry too and that at least one chapati should be left for him…’ Spiritual leader Om Swami shares this beautiful story to share the key factors that will make God act on the true call of a devotee. Manifest God, read this post to know how.
What do You Want?: If you know what you want, life becomes easy. If you don’t know what you want, chances are you are just getting by; you are not living (every moment), but simply getting by. Learn to live to the fullest. Get answers to the big questions of life in this post, by none other than spiritual leader Om Swami.
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With these changes, we hope to put the community at the center of everything we do. Samurai Council would play a critical role in streamlining acceptable content on the platform as we grow. They would need your help in highlighting what you would like to see (or not see) on the platform.
Our goal is to walk together as all of us pursue our spiritual journeys. We also plan to introduce new ideas, valuable content and inspirational stories to you. The goal is to challenge and expand readers’ perspective and to help you grow and evolve as individuals by offering fresh insights and re-evaluating beliefs and values.
I am excited to embark on this journey and hope that you, our reader, will join us in this exploration of the new and the unknown!
I’d love to hear from you.
Until next…
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