About Karmic Debt Calculator

- A karmic debt calculator is a tool to help you understand the obstacles you are facing in your life
- It is based on the belief that we have all lived before, and that our current life is a result of our past lives
To determine your life karmic score, answer the questions about yourself in the Karmic Debt Calculator. The questions mostly would be around the points below. You will realize that there are aspects of self that we do not yet grasp.
Consider your early recollections:
- Have you had parents who are true gems?
- Are you blessed with the gift of education?
- Were your crazy siblings a good match in your life?
Or you experience one of these in your current life situations:
- You have struggled with emotions or are working on them in the present.
- You feel trapped, or you are trying to overcome an addiction.
- You detect a trend of bad luck in your life.
- You suffer from a genetic or chronic illness.
What Exactly Is Karmic Debt and How Can You Know If You Have It?
If you have a pattern of bad relationships, financial difficulties, or shaky emotional states, you may have been accumulating karmic debt from previous lifetimes or present life. These harbor negative energy and make it difficult to break your karmic cycle in subsequent lifetimes too.
When you understand the lessons of your karmic debt, you become more aware of who you are. As you deepen your self-awareness, you will begin to see opportunities for resolving karmic debt by living positively and doing good deeds, and taking your life in the right direction to live a fulfilling life.
The more aware you become, the easier it is to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself!
10 Signs you have Karmic Debt
Signs you have Karmic Debt
- You experience repeated destructive or challenging patterns in your life.
- You prioritize others over yourself, to your cost.
- You feel exhausted with your relationships in life.
- Good things happen, and then awful things happen.
- You always feel tensed and apprehensive.
- You find yourself constantly dealing with issues, such as repetitive relationship patterns, addiction, or financial difficulties.
- You are overly concerned with other people and frequently put yourself last to make everyone else happy.
- However, no amount of good you do for others is ever enough. Their expectations keep going up as you raise the bar of helping them.
- You’re a doormat and a people-pleaser who can’t seem to say no.
- You feel paralyzed by fear and despair due to tyranny; you cannot move forward. Some experiences keep you rooted in the past, stagnating rather than moving forward, and thus keeping you away from clearing karmic debt.

We carry emotional baggage from our past life or present life in some or the other way. Such as resentments, negative emotions or anger towards current or past relationships, unforgiving incidents, or broken trust that have resulted in bad patterns or destructive patterns in this life.
The emotional baggage weakens us with emotions of fear, self-doubt, sadness, or anger. They influence our present lives and our decisions. Thus we keep repaying the karmic debt.
We present you with two predominant perspectives that elude on the subject – Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and Buddhism.
Karma and Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Hinduism believes that every Karma must bear its fruit. Krishna instructs Arjuna on the karmas of three types.
- Sātvika Bhaav (acts done in the mode of goodness. In the absence of attachments, for example – hate, anger, or jealousy). Such actions bear the fruit of inner peace. If all actions in life are done with the goodness in the heart, it bears the fruit of liberation.
- Rājasī Bhaav (performed in the mode of passion such as anger, hate, and jealousy) bears the fruit of attachment resulting in karmic debts.
- Tāmasī Bhaav (the one done in the mode of ignorance) bears the fruit of downfall – of body, mind, and soul.

The Bhagavad Gita is one source for the principles of doing one’s duty without regard for the benefits of one’s actions.
According to the Bhagavad Gita, every action we perform has an impact. As a result, we suffer or enjoy the consequences of our past actions.
Karma in Buddhism
According to Buddhist belief, nothing occurs by accident, fate, or luck; instead, everything that a living being may experience is the inevitable fruition of previous acts.
Just as a seed cannot grow into a different sort of plant, our actions can only spawn actions of the same type. An unvirtuous deed can only result in misery, whereas a reasonable action can only result in enjoyment.
The more genuine your act, the better would the reaction, irrespective of the results at the moment. Ultimately it is up to you – you can express your complaints with your past or present. Or you may also take the world in stride and see where it takes you.
Buddha emphasizes on “right view” in his philosophy of Karma. A “right view” is non-violent ( in thoughts, speech, and actions). It implies taking responsibility for your thoughts, speech, and action.
The understanding is that whatever I experience is the result of my thoughts, actions, speech, and my mental conditioning.

Sometimes, our actions have consequences we did not intend. Sometimes they were actions done with good intentions. Nevertheless, we may have inflicted pain and suffering on others in the process. Our karmic debt may also include unresolved issues to learn a karmic lesson from this or previous life.
It is not the end of the world if you have Karmic debt. There are methods to return your obligations, but the first step is to determine if you are karmically obligated or not. Here are the most prevalent indications that you may be in karmic debt.
Karmic relationships
They are unresolved negative energy, a kind of toxic overload that leaves you weary, whether in a relationship or friendship connection. These karmic relationships are harmful and can cause long-term harm as they create negative karmic energy.
If you have many of these, it’s an indication that you have to repay karmic debt.
Learn how to settle your Karmic Debt (& How to get rid of bad karma)
What happens when you have no karmic debt?
You have no karmic debt when you feel at peace in your heart and mind throughout the day. Your heart sings with joy, and emotions like anger, hate, and sadness are far away from you.
It is possible to be karmically free. A healthy body, controlled speech, and a tranquil mind are natural outcomes of zero karmic debts. Learn more about how your Karmic account works.
How to identify my karmic debt?
When you see unexplainable patterns and behaviors, you have karmic debt when you’re conscious of one or more recurring themes in your life.
When you discover the root of your unresolved Karma, take action to overcome it. No doubt, you will experience the marvelous freedom to fulfill your life’s higher purpose.
Remember that your efforts alone can change your future by balancing your karmic debt. Learn more about Karmic Trail of Lifetimes.
How do I pay off my karmic debt of present and past life?
Karmic debt resolution is a necessary experience and imparts critical teachings about the impact of your thoughts, words, and actions.
Cultivating awareness and using it to make choices makes us more compassionate and understanding of ourselves and others. Use this awareness to unravel the mysteries of lifetimes.
Be grateful for both good and bad experiences as you learned valuable life lessons/karmic lesson from both. Learn to forgive; even though it may be the hardest thing you do, it will guarantee inner peace and harmony.
This life is a golden opportunity to redeem your mistakes and improve your Karma in the future.
How to know whether I am creating Karma or repaying the karmic debt?
When you see yourself doing things out of your own choice, you create new Karma. When you are doing something because you are forced to do them with no choice, know that you are repaying your karmic debt.
You can learn more about the Karmas That you Cannot Avoid.
Are health problems karmic debt?
क्लेशमूलः कर्माशयो दृष्टादृष्टजन्मवेदनीयः । (Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 2.12)
Psychic imprints resulting from Karma accumulated over many lives condition the mind and cause one grief.
Karma can be inferred as a gradual process of cause and effect. It indicates that the cumulation of good action results in good outcomes, whereas the accumulation of depraved acts results in undesirable consequences.
Through positive actions, we receive happiness, while our negative actions attract suffering. We carry the adverse or baneful action through our speech, body, and mind.
Examples of negative actions are – using harsh words, being physically aggressive or harming other beings. Harnessing the feelings of hatred, jealousy, envy, or vengeance.
Eventually, these affect our emotional, physical, and mental states. Sometimes, when we cannot release these in a particular life, we carry them forward.
Hence Karma plays a huge role in all three aspects of our health. And genetic influence has a significant impact on health that is primarily outside our understanding and control.
We carry our genes from our parents, but we inherit our mental Karma and physical Karma from our previous life.
How do we distinguish between karmic disease and natural disease?
If the source of the illness is perplexing, it is likely karmic. Karmic diseases are chronic illnesses, life-long conditions, and indescribable physical problems.
Occasionally, our mental afflictions are also the results of our past life Karma.
Examples of karmic debts can also include chronic depression with no identifiable cause, suicidal tendencies, and unique health issues that are not hereditary.
How to clear the karmic debt in a karmic relationship?
A highly effective tool to clear your karmic debt in any relationship is ‘Forgiveness .’You can try the highly effective forgiveness meditation from the Black Lotus app meditating on one relationship or one person in mind at a particular phase. When we consciously let go of the unpleasant memories and negative feeling toward someone, we are helping ourselves to clear our karmic debt.
Can a karmic relationship change?
When you make an explicit attempt at the four key elements mentioned above in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita verses, the fifth one, destiny, makes way for you. Your chances of being at the right place at the right time go up significantly. You can read how divine grace plays a role in shaping your destiny.
With a lot of mindfulness, understanding, patience, and grace, bringing a change in a karmic relationship is possible.
Read how you can use the magic of the law of attraction to work in harmony with the law of nature.
What is the karmic explanation for bad relationships?
The only way to end our suffering is to overcome ourselves. Other people in our lives are merely enablers and catalysts of the suffering we already carry.
Suffering is another name for our inability to come to terms with life.
Why clearing Karmic Debt is important?
The truth is, we all have to repay karmic debt. Karmic debt is like a credit card but you have yet to pay off your dues. It’s not about what you did or didn’t do, it’s about what you did and the impact that it had on others.
The more positive your impact on others, the more positive your karmic balance will be. It can be as simple as doing one good deed at one time. The more negative your impact on others, the more negative your karmic balance will be.
The greatest reason why we all want to be happy is so that we can have some semblance of peace. Peace is not something one can buy at a store, but it is what most people strive for in life.
What is the meaning of peace?
Peace can only be experienced when one has a balance in their karmic account (the past). It is a good outcome of good karma. It is this balance that gives one the ability to enjoy life without being bogged down by their past actions.
For this reason alone do we need to clear out our karmic debt account so we may enjoy life more fully; so we may experience more joy; so we may better relate to others; so we may create an atmosphere of love around us; so we may live peacefully and happily ever after!
Can meditation wipe out the karmic debt?
Meditation may not be able to remove karmic debt. On the other hand, Meditation may be a fantastic approach for us to feed our positive side. Meditation strengthens and implants positive concepts in our minds, preventing us from doing negative karma.
Not just meditation, but also dance, praying, or whatever else you enjoy. Read more to understand how the gods and demons of the inner world keep you away from wiping off your karmic debt.
Does karma state that everyone is in debt to everyone?
According to karma, We are all interrelated, and our actions immediately impact others around us. Understand how interconnectedness works.
What is the end of a karmic cycle?
The karmic cycle will not terminate until one has Vairagya (detachment). If you don’t have Vairagya, you’ll have selfish wants, which cause attachment, which is the basis of ignorance, and with this comes ego. All of our pain stems from our ego. So let go of ego in order to end the karmic cycle. Watch this video for better understanding.

How to use the karmic debt to improve your life
All of us have karmic debts that need to be settled. The key is to find out what these are, and learn the karmic lesson so we can settle them in the present time. Answering the questions below and contemplating on them would give you life-changing insights to decide the course of your action.
- What are your present fears, challenges, or negative circumstances? Do you see a common pattern?
- How have you faced adversity using your unique strengths? List them.
- Do you feel trapped by guilt, fear, or anger? If so, what is the root cause of it?
- Have others helped you and vice versa? Make a list.
- Is there anything that you need to get off your chest and move on with your life already?
We may not see the reason for suffering right away, but there is always an opportunity to grow and overcome our limitations.
Useful Resources
- Past Life Analysis – Have you ever wondered what your life was like in a past life? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are curious about their previous lives, and there are several ways to find out more information. One popular method is to use a past life karma calculator. Past life calculators can be a fun way to learn more about yourself and your spiritual journey. However, it’s important to remember that they are just tools for divination, and they should not be taken too seriously. If you’re looking for guidance from a higher power, it’s best to consult with a psychic or medium who can offer you insights from the Other Side. With this Past life Karma Calculator, simply enter your birth date and time and the calculator will reveal your past life.
2. Karmic Relationship Analysis – Do you believe in karmic relationships? That people we’re attracted to are somehow connected to us on a soul level? If so, then do try the Karmic Relationship Calculator. Simply enter your birth date and the birth date of your significant other, and the calculator will tell you whether you are karmically linked and how strong a connection you have on a spiritual level.