13y ago

The Meaning of Samadhi

What is samadhi, really? Is it a state of emptiness or a state of...

13y ago

The Karmic Trail and Psychic Imprints

Any action you perform or any thought you pursue leaves an imprint on the...

13y ago

The Conditioning of the Mind: A King...

Your true nature is pure bliss, but you've forgotten yourself because of your societal...

13y ago

The Path of Self-Realization

What does it take to attain that transcendental state the scriptures call samadhi? Why...

13y ago

Self Transformation – My Solemn Vow

I do not believe in passing on second hand knowledge. Before you try to...

13y ago

Self Transformation – Prologue

Self transformation is the inward journey of understanding yourself so you may discover your...

13y ago

The Whole Nine Minutes

Here's a video showing my usual life at the ashram. Things have changed since...

13y ago

The Successful and Successfool

What is the definition of success? Who is a successful person and what price...

13y ago

The Chosen Path

How do we know what we want to do is our inner calling and...

13y ago

Life is Like the Sky

Just like the sky can't always remain blue, life can't just have one color....

13y ago

I’ve Got to be Living

Is it important to be spiritual? Or does being spiritual mean you stop living...

13y ago

Living with Love

Love is innate in everyone. It is the cause of your existence and the...

13y ago

Life is Like a Trip to the...

This world is like a supermarket. Everyone is a shopper and your choices are...

13y ago

Bondage and the Path

A reader asked me why I communicate or engage with the world. "Why don't...

13y ago

The Ultimate Form

A reader asked me what the supreme truth or ultimate form is, or, is...