4y ago

La fable du moine et du scorpion

Le Soleil ne demande pas qui es tu, les arbres ne demandent pas à...

4y ago

Pensée du jour

Notre esprit est un jardin fertile. Si les mauvaises herbes poussent et que je...

4y ago

The Fable of the Monk and the...

The Sun doesn’t ask who are you, trees don’t ask which race do you...

4y ago

Life is just an extension of the...

Opening the fridge and instantly having access to luscious produces. You are very lucky.

4y ago

La chasse des trésors rares dans l’Himalaya

En cherchant on trouve, en creusant nous découvrons, en buvant nous assimilons..

4y ago

On arrête jamais d’apprendre

Om Swami est un Gourou exceptionnel. L’écouter tous les jours vous changera à jamais.

4y ago

Stop blaming and start acting

They give us oxygen for free so that we can live and enjoy this...

4y ago

The secret to immortality

Do you have a miniature idol in your house (any God, maybe a horse,...

4y ago

Can I build mindfulness through a broom 🧹 ?

Meditating while sweeping or sweeping while meditating…

4y ago

Once a student, always a student.

You can never stop learning. If the universe keeps expanding, then I am just...