Given a choice between taking $3million in cash this very instant and a single penny that doubles in value every day for 31 days, what would you choose?
Accept it. The first instinct is to accept $3million. At least that’s what I chose the first time I came across this question in the book ‘The Compound Effect’ by Darren Hardy.
However, when I understood the arithmetic, the penny dropped! The single penny that doubles every day would be more than $3million in 31 days. Aha! That would come in handy to make decisions from now onwards.
My ‘aha’ moment came when I was reading a book with a hot cuppa. And then I started registering more such flashes of life filled with wonderment. Someday it was around a bonfire with friends and family that I found my aha moment. Then one night, I looked up at the starlit sky and… aha!
When you meet a life-changing moment in the eye, the humdrum of the world comes to a full stop. These are the ‘aha moments ‘ of life. These moments of sudden insights, realisations, and euphoria are pregnant with creative sparks and ideas.
Your aha moment could be very specific to you and might not wow others. This once a mango fell on my head and I wondered if it was juicy enough for aamras. Yes, It was, if you are wondering. However, the falling of a fruit became an aha moment when an apple fell on Newton’s head. Honestly, I would have never thought of gravity, only about making an apple pie instead.
What made you go aha this year? Did something magnificent like an incredible sunrise make you stop in your tracks on a morning walk? Did your heart skip a beat while watching a movie or reading a book?
Promise me you’d pause and relish your aha moment slowly and deliberately.

Transformative Ideas
Find wonderment in this week’s pick of os.me blogs vow to wow!
Aloo Bukhara: The Plum: Krittika Om shifted to a bigger, better room equipped with a kitchen! She was naturally excited. On the first morning, she offered a plum to Bhagwan and prayed fervently that He eats it. Lo and behold! He ate it! Or so she thought. Here’s what actually happened, though.
How I Became an Amazon Bestseller Author?: “The first attempt of writing this manuscript took over two years (2016 to 2018), and ironically, I lost all of my work (including my original transcript) due to a computer glitch. There was no way to recover anything… It was like a death penalty.” Willbur Om captures his journey to becoming a bestseller author on Amazon.
Don’t Feed Stray Thoughts: Don’t feed stray dogs. It will keep them from gathering in large numbers and creating a disturbance. And that gave Varsha a brilliant idea to keep stray thoughts from ruining the day. Try it out, it works.
The Return of the Singer: Rashmi Sharma writes this beautiful piece on Pandit Kumara Gandharva about the maestro, his love for music and tuberculosis altering his life. She has embedded some mesmerising renditions, too. “By the age of twenty-three, Kumar had seen the rise of fame just as he had experienced the “bubble reputation” going kaput.”
खसखस- बादाम हलवा: Khas Khas Badam Halwa is healthy, delicious and warm. Enjoy the onset of winter with this perfect dessert to be enjoyed in this nippy weather. Follow Karuna Om’s recipe step-by-step for a lip-smacking treat.
16 Days of My Life: The venue was set. And the resort was booked. And with the Sankalp of doing Shri Suktam Sadhana in mind, I felt like that college boy who is about to declare his love on the day of his marriage. Praasshant Dubey pens about the 16 days of Sri Suktam Sadhana.
6 Traits of Successful People That You and I Can Emulate: Prahalad Rajkumar comes bearing good news — here are recipes for success. He lists six traits with examples that you can adopt immediately to become better, sharper and brighter.
Where She Belongs: Taahira Kisna’s poems are a delight. She captures a lot in just a few lines. Sample this one to enjoy a verse brimming with despair, hope and a plea.
Watch it Now!
Wisdom from Om Swami
An Attitude of Happiness: “From those who live hand to mouth to those who can buy a private island, I meet all sorts of people. Very few of them are actually happy with their lives,” writes spiritual leader Om Swami. Here’s everything about the root cause of sadness and happier life.
How do You Celebrate Life? Someone asked spiritual leader Om Swami how he celebrates welcoming a new year. Here’s what he shared.

I found the wisdom of the penny gambit life-changing book worth recommending to the os.me community. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy has some fantastic ideas.
Just like compounding interest, the efforts also compound. Here’s what the author suggests: You set a goal and begin working towards it, initially with a small investment of time and effort. You work consistently for weeks, months, and years setting a rhythm. At some point during this journey, an unstoppable momentum sets into force, and you start reaping compounded rewards for your work. This is compound effect in a nutshell.
Here are some that might make you go aha…
- You have to be willing to give a 100% with zero expectation.
- The complete formula for getting lucky: preparation + attitude + opportunity + action = luck
- Your life is the product of your moment-to-moment choices.
- Losing is a habit so is winning.
- What is your WHY?
- A goal that is not in writing is merely a fantasy. – Walk the Dragon
- Get your little notebook out, write down your top three goals, and list bad habits that might sabotage/ be sabotaging your progress in this area.
Dear family, what have been some of your aha moments? Looking forward to reading them in the comment section. Over to You.
PS: Share this post with your friends and family and introduce them to our phenomenal Karma program.
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