2y ago

The Vanished Laptop

A million Thoughts 🙂

3y ago

From One Heart to Another…

Dont let your extra blood go in Vein (pun intended)

3y ago

Laugh Your Way Through Life!

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the...

3y ago

The High-Wire Act

Life's Lessons from a daring and unconventional high-wire artist

3y ago

Appearances Are Deceptive

Do not judge a book by its cover- An interesting Tete-a-tete with a cab...

3y ago

I am a Loser!

Don't give up what you want most for what you want at this moment......

3y ago

March Along……

Trog - a blend of trudge, trek and slog - A hiker's empiricism