3y ago

First Time With Specs…

A practice I learnt to be in the present and enjoy life

3y ago

Recovering from an Outburst of Anger

A "formula" from my experience

4y ago

Poems on Being Free

These are two poems written by my son and me, a couple of years...

4y ago

Learning to Grow

This poem is about what I have learnt from my children.

4y ago

Strawberries and Fulfilment

The excitement of growing strawberries in a Bangalore balcony

4y ago

The Universe Conspires for You if You’d...

Some experiences of Grace working through Its instruments to spread Kindness

4y ago

Handling Grudges

Questions and learnings on mental wounds

4y ago

Handling Criticism

A method I use to manage my thought patterns when faced with criticism

4y ago


Some learnings on when one should fight and why

4y ago

Be Positive – It Could Be Worse

Another learning on retaining a positive frame of mind

3y ago

Fooling the Mind into Positivity

A technique I have used to develop and retain a positive approach

4y ago

I Have No Time

Some learnings on time management

4y ago

The Best Compliment from My Children

A lesson in parenting that starts with the parent, not the child

4y ago

Things Kids Don’t Know

Some thoughts on the interaction and knowledge exchange between elders (especially parents) and children

4y ago

Open Your Mind Before You Open Your...

Regulating words becomes a powerful tool to win over people. Sharing a few observations,...