2y ago

Love the Desert

What is the reason for this fascination with deserts

2y ago

The Silence of the Samurai

Misaki only speaks when she thinks it is essential to do so and that...

2y ago

Leave Alone and Leave Alone

On Sunday morning I attended his lecture, called ‘we are the light of the world’

2y ago

Buy Now, Pay Later

You don't have to wait that long to start living

2y ago

Magic is the Only Real Thing

I was fascinated by the story being told by one of the club's participants

3y ago


There is an inner language to the role you decide to play in your...

3y ago

What is Success?

"From failure everyone learns something, but from a sudden success rarely anybody can recover"

3y ago

Get Out of the Spiral

If you want something different, stop doing the same

3y ago

Life Flies By

On the second flight something totally unexpected happened

3y ago

We are Going to Die, We are...

"At the end of the presentation, Ana approached me..."

3y ago

The Best Thing That Can Happen to...

The best thing that can happen to you

3y ago

The Man Who Gave Away Books

The man who gave away books

3y ago

The Two Ways to Success

The Two Ways to Success

3y ago

There is a Light That Never Goes...

There is a light that never goes out