6y ago

Gayatri Sadhana

A lot can happen with daily practice of the gayatri mantra invocation.

6y ago

Why do Good People Suffer?

It's a question that has haunted the greatest minds ever since...

6y ago

Eat That Frog

Here are the four levels of competence and something to think about your time...

6y ago

Two Pillars of Top Health

You asked and I've written about what I eat and how I exercise.

6y ago

Kindness Matters

Here's a beautiful story to make you think this weekend...

6y ago

The Purpose of Your Life

If there was only one post you needed to read on my blog, it...

6y ago

What Only Love Does…

Here's a beautiful true story that'll make you think about love...

6y ago


The yogic view of loneliness (and ways to overcome it) is quite different from...

6y ago

The Secret of a Fulfilling Life

It's not that complicated at the end of the day: work hard, play hard.

7y ago

Beware of Dogs

Here's something to think about over the weekend...

7y ago

Four Traits of Successful People

What is it that takes you to the heights of greatness? Here's something to...

7y ago

Between Building and Breaking

Here's a beautiful little story with a profound message.

7y ago

The Opposite of Kindness

Ever wondered what the opposite of kindness is? Is it to be unkind or...

7y ago


What's a wallaby doing here? Read till the end.

7y ago

Politeness Versus Humility

In the absence of humility any spiritual attainment vanishes like dew upon sunrise.