4y ago

Shelly Singh : 12.05.77 – 12.07.20

With 100% devotion for me, she gave her heart, mind, and soul to the...

4y ago

Guru Purnima

What does a Guru disciple bond mean?

4y ago

The Simple Truth

Like the rain settles dust particles, our awareness of the "self" reduces the expectations...

4y ago

Loss is Painful

While we may never completely eliminate pain from our lives, we can reduce it.

4y ago

The Big Decision

After a lot of thought and hard work, I'm ready to share the big...

4y ago

The Gates of Shambhala

If you let this moment slip away, it's lost forever. "Now" never comes back.

4y ago

Building a Sense of Belonging

When you feel you don't belong, you feel sad, lonely and restless naturally.

4y ago

Healing Through Forgiveness

You can't really move on in life unless you allow self-healing

4y ago

The Sadness Virus

No, this post is not about novel coronavirus...

4y ago

Life is a Mystery – Hindi

Jeevan ek Gorakh dhanda Hai is now available to members outside India

4y ago

COVID-19 and A Beautiful Life

Something to think about in the face of the escalating COVID-19

4y ago

Startup Success – 3 Golden Principles

Here are some principles and truths of making your startup a roaring success

4y ago

Join me Live

Now you can attend all my ashram discourses live - virtually and spiritually

4y ago

The Secret of Great Communication

Here are three magic words that can take your communication skills to an entirely...