When I was a little child, I remember chasing the fragrant smoke strands of the incense stick at our altar. Its shapes truly myriad and beautiful as my tiny fingers wafted them away from my face. My giggles resounded in the puja room, where unknown to me several energies sat, making me feel the first-ever brush I had with divinity — a strange calm in my heart that followed me everywhere and sat with me, seeming to cleanse my feet as I sang at the banks of the Ganges. It was unadulteratedly beautiful for a child to feel those emotions, it was true bliss and something I did not realise would be my anchor as the years rolled by. I could not name the feeling back then, but at 14, I think I can now. Spirituality.
What is spirituality for me? I feel spiritual when I know while the icy, snowy landscape from the window seems depressing, it is only an outward level of sadness which will melt away to show greenery as soon as warmth peeks into my world. Spirituality is walking on a gravel-covered path, unable to see it but knowing it’s there. Spirituality is knowing someone’s with you all the time — no, not a spy, knowing that what you are, that is, someone disconnected from worldly bonds, materialism and the ways of the world, is walking the path home… to one’s source.
Spirituality, when said, is a six-syllabled word, soft on the tongue and warm on the lips. However, it does have quite a diverse meaning, for while the term’s absolute literal meaning remains unknown, doesn’t it individually differ in shocking amounts?
Well, to each their own. Peace out!
A Verse

Transformative Ideas
Today’s weekly selection of os.me blogs sees spirituality through the eyes of young bloggers like me.
The Infinite Life Sutra by Rishi Sridhar: Thoughts: Rishi’s piece on the Infinite Lotus Sutra is in fact, infinitely insightful. Crafted with the perfect amount of wisdom, humour and his take on this scripture protected and passed on by the philosophers of yore, it would benefit anyone, regardless of their age, I’m sure.
Radha: Yearning In Love by Kavana Anklekar: Thoughts: With mere words sewn into sentences, Kavana didi manages to leave every reader spellbound and stumped, with questions exhausted but rebirthing! In this post, she guides one through her journey of thought about Maa Radha, sprinkling silver dust for everyone walking along her way.
Salutations To My Lord: A Poem by Arunima Ojha: Thoughts: Painting an evocative picture about Lord Mahadeva, one can feel the devotion in her words springing up into their own hearts as they read this poem.
Rythm of Bhajan by Veer Saini: Thoughts: The uncanny beauty in the chant of mantras and the tunes of devotion is something almost none of us are unfamiliar with. Veer recounts his own brush with the same in his cute, innocent perspective.
Exploring Yourself by Gaarvi Saini: Thoughts: Spirituality is the mystery we all know a different solution for, and Gaarvi solved her own mystery with her newfound hobby and source of joy — art. Her sweet journey and the lessons ought to be read to instill a smile on your face and motivation in your heart.
Never Cheat by Ishanvi: Thoughts: Her innocence untainted and core values incredibly firm, little 6-year-old Geet shares an adorable anecdote stating a powerful lesson. Her spirituality lies in her path of righteousness and truth- something that she consistently portrays beautifully in her posts.
Yellow by Payoja Verma: Thoughts: Displaying great writing prowess and her heart of gold (Or should I say, yellow?), at her young age, Payoja has realised that her spirituality and feeling of goodness for her lies the most in kindness. Yellow is a heart-melting story that will make you smile molar to molar, much like a character in the story!
Fake Accent by Chitvan: Thoughts: Filled with extraordinary insight, Chitvan’s post shows her nature to be exceptionally spiritual- well displayed by her deep reflection and understanding of herself and those around her.
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Om Swami Wisdom
A Thousand Marbles: Here’s a beautiful story reminding us of what really matters in life. This post by spiritual leader Om Swami is about making the most of our life by aptly prioritising emotional and spiritual development.
The Tearing Thought: A tearing thought is a hampering factor in one’s spiritual and emotional journey. In this incredibly insightful post by Swamiji, he tells us how to conquer those pesky thoughts.
That’s all for now. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Until next…
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