2y ago

Our Future Generation

Praying to God that it’s a good one !!

3y ago

A Tale of Two Kitties

Is saving someone interfering with God's plan - 3

3y ago

A Tale of Two Kitties

Is Saving someone interfering in God’s plan —- part 2

3y ago

A Tale of Two Kitties

Is saving someone interfering in God’s plan

3y ago

How Materialism Distracts Us

Dont waver. You will get there

3y ago

A Different Diwali

Compassion is a beautiful trait

3y ago

As a Rule Man is a Fool...

Mind - man’s best friend or worst enemy

3y ago

Eureka Eureka

I hope this works!!

3y ago

Am I Self Sabotaging??

Maybe time to stand up again and walk

3y ago

My Friend, My Guide

Sometimes our guide is in front of us but we don’t realize it

3y ago

Sunday- Rest Day ???

Learning to flow with the waves of time

3y ago

Am I a Coward??

The vote is still being counted.😊😊

3y ago

God Doesn’t Understand English !!

Thank God He is multilingual 😊

3y ago

Everything is Not About You

Tough lessons are some times necessary