1 year ago

Ramcharitmanas: A Masterpiece of Poetry

Use of Simile and Metaphors by Goswami Tulsidas is phenomenal.

1 year ago

The Sage-Warrior & the Warrior-Sage

The story behind birth of Maharishi Vishwamitra & Lord Parashuram and their Varna defying...

1 year ago

Ramcharitmanas: A Great Harmonizer (Part I)

In his Magnum opus, Goswami Tulsidas Ji successfully reconciled divisions afflicting the Sanatana Hindu...

1 year ago

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Only past and future are important to our ego. However, the key to liberation...

1 year ago

Is Everything in Life Pre-destined?

Is man the architect of his destiny through his present Karmas (पुरुषार्थ) or he...

2y ago

Siddhis – the Superhuman Powers ?

Many Sanatan texts mention various "Siddhis" a Yogi can acquire through own efforts and...

2y ago

 “Ishwara” in Yoga Sutra of Patanjali

Yoga is one of the integral facets of Sanatan Dharma, being one of the...

2y ago

You Truly Give when You Give of...

The satisfaction one gets while helping another needy living being is unparalleled.

2y ago


Isn't all the goodness, empathy and love in this world, just a manifestation of...

2y ago


There are three paths to my attainment—Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga, and Karma Yoga, said...

2y ago

Vipassana in the Bhagavad Gita

There is hardly any stream of Spiritual waters that can not trace its essence...

2y ago

When Breath Becomes Prana

Prana is not air, though oxygen is one of its vehicles; prana is the...