A mother, a dreamer, a teacher ,an architect and above all a human trying to live life one day at a time. Looking for love ,beauty and humour in life’s little things.
Let It Free, Let It Be
Those barriers of self image that we hold so dear, are actually the culprits...
A Little Pain Can Make You more...
An uncluttered space is a gift that the pain has to offer, it's a...
Experiencing the Stillness
‘Finding calm in the chaos’ is the popular tagline these days but what does...
Like a Seed, They Have It All...
It's when you do your own karma with full dedication and purity and leave...
Help your children discover their inherent strengths
When a children learn in accordance and harmony with their intelligence type, they not...
Happy Daughter’s Day!! But why??
I could read many questions in his eyes which said, “What’s wrong with the...
The Beauty of an Interdependent World
He wrote back: I've had a lot of help along the way, it's my...
Interdependence or Independence
Let them know that independence is a myth and we all have roles to...
“Feeling good ” or “Living well”
Where does the good life reside........in increasing pleasure.......in avoiding pain ......or does it have...