Before coming to live in New Delhi, India in the Dec of 2020, Manjula lived in Kuala Lumpur & Singapore for the past 26 years. She began her career as a school teacher and then went into exploring the world as an airline stewardess. She enjoyed finding herself as a theatre actress in Singapore. During her long 20 years of stay in Singapore, she actively championed the cause of cancer patients and worked voluntarily at the Hospice Care Association. Raised as a staunch Roman Catholic, she married into Sikhism and has two beautiful daughters who currently work in the US. She now loves to travel and follows her beloved GuruDev Om Swami.
Discovering My Deity: Lord Krishna
How a disciple of Om Swami, from another faith, found her way around discovering...
Daring to Love the Ferocious One
My personal journey in getting to know, believe and worship The Divine Energy as...