2y ago

My Macro Habit for January 2023

Drowning yet living in Ma's Sahasranamas

2y ago

Part 2 – My 16 Day Sri...

The Bridge and The During...

2y ago

A Small Gift for you

A few Practices for you to Watch and Perform from Home on International Yoga...

2y ago

Is Our Life a Reality or a...

Where spirituality and science meet the dead end

2y ago

A Story that’ll Remain with You Forever

May we have enough love in our hearts to be God to some Meredith...

3y ago

Naiharwa by Sant Kabir Presented in a...

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of Swamiji

3y ago

Singing the Glories of Sri Ram .....

आप में ही आपका  आप से ही आपका 

3y ago

A Poem That Has My Heart

Brought alive by Swamiji's own recitation