A Physics enthusiast, nature lover, photographer, a researcher, a seeker getting anchored by super strong & graceful Swamiji. Being a good human is my Sadhana. I want to remain a student till I die..
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Swamiji, We Are Parents Again After 10...
Nice prank Swamiji! This Gratitude was pending and you made it possible in 2021...
The Year That Was—A Post of Gratitude,...
Thank you universe for bestowing me with all that I have
Happy Birthday to You Dearest Swamiji
Complete Surrender at your feet - rededicating this soul to you
The Essay in Hindi Which Got Me...
May Be it will help the young guys in some manner, nothing spiritual about...
I Want to Write Something
Social Distancing is good for COVID Protection, but not good in Spiritual Growth 😊
A Fascinating Way of Celebrating My 10th...
Do you want to know, where we went to celebrate my first double digit...