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4w ago
It Didn’t Start With You

Do you think you are entirely responsible for your feelings and behavior? Here's what science has to say on this matter.

2mo ago
Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

Just a bit more of Om Swami the Guru Poornima event

3mo ago
Being Ordinary

Here's a beautiful Taoist story with profound wisdom

4mo ago

We don't have to let our shortcomings become our limitations. Here's a true story.

5mo ago
The Clever Adulteress

Here is a beautiful story with a profound esoteric meaning.

7mo ago
The Paradox of Praise

The great philosopher-sage Sri Aurobindo had something beautiful to say about praise.

8mo ago
Psychic Heat – Tummo

Know the benefits and practice of the ancient art of invoking psychic heat (or tummo as it is known in Tibetan).

9mo ago
An Ace Player

If you wish to do something great, you need a great team.

10mo ago
Original Settings

What is the difference between a teacher and a guru? Read the beautiful story.

11mo ago
Whoever Takes the Son…

Here's a beautiful story and an important announcement.

11mo ago
How Old Are You?

Maturity doesn't always come with age. Sometimes, age shows up on its own, they say.

12mo ago

What's the point in living a long life if you can't do things you love?

1 year ago
C’mon Lobster

A nice short story to help you see life a bit differently.

1 year ago
Your Story

Here is the last chapter from one of my upcoming books...