Let go and breathe in the real you

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9y ago
Himalayan Silence

Silence of the mind is the greatest blessing, for, peace and wisdom sprout from the seeds of such silence

11y ago

Gratitude is like a sticky date pudding with ice-cream. Warm so it heals, cold so it soothes.

12y ago
What is this world about?

To see the trees from the woods, you have to step above or out. Truth will shine in full glory then.

12y ago
How To Enjoy Life?

A leaf, once disconnected from the source, starts to dry and decay rapidly. Stay connected for infinite joy and bliss.

13y ago
Ekanta: The Practice of Solitude

The practice of solitude can help you understand yourself better. It's incredibly powerful in taming your mind.

13y ago
Bhakti – Devotional Service

Bhakti or devotional service is the art of surrender and dispassion. It's got very little to do with rituals.

13y ago
Himalayan Expectations

What are expectations and why are they the source of most human misery — a perspective.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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