1 year ago


Zooming into the grand scheme of things

1 year ago

Sanatana Dharma : A Way of Life

Practical Tips Offered by Texts of Santana Dharma

1 year ago

Paretto Principle As a North Star &...

Crisp methods to achieve more in less time

2y ago

Fire Offerings : Physical Vs Virtual

A guide to help you choose which means to adopt. Either ways, Just Do...

1 year ago

The Outcome of Deep Practice with Kids

How we demonstrated few principles from the book "The Talent Code"

2y ago

Motivating Kids Without Friction

A Simple Demonstration of Why Actions Speak Louder than Words

2y ago

Why Do We Fail to Conquer Our...

A Sneak Peak into What Could go wrong with New Year Goal Setting

2y ago

7 Tips to Master Habit Forming in...

A simple but effective way at mastering the art of habit forming in the...

2y ago

AI and Humans

My First Shot at Chat GPT

2y ago

Getting More Meaning out of Life

Doing Meaningful Stuff to support your Material Life

2y ago

Happy 50th Birthday Bhai

My Happiness Package, Jaggu Anna (Dec 11 1972 to Sep 4 2021)

2y ago

The First Glance

When did you hear about Swamiji for the first time?

2y ago

A Vision of Future

Our ideologies will define where technology will take us