3y ago

The Sparrow and The Ocean

Story of a tiny sparrow's determination

3y ago

Cessation of Suffering _ Buddhism Way

Indian Philosophy- Buddhism 3

3y ago

Cause of suffering _ Buddhism way

Indian Philosophy - Buddhism 2

3y ago

Truth about suffering _ Buddhism Way

Thoughts of Buddha & Buddhist Philosophy 1

3y ago

Indian Philosophy -Carvaka

Eat, Drink and be Merry.

3y ago


Challenge your self...

3y ago

Sri Hari🌸

That Morning with Sri Hari

4y ago

आप ही तो हो स्वामी..

हृदय के एक कोने से ...

4y ago

Body Shaming

Our body is our temple and we ought to love our body

4y ago

Listen, Be a Listener!

The biggest communication problem? We don't listen to understand, but to reply