2y ago

The Walking Temple – 1

How is a temple different from any other place of worship?

3y ago

The Bubbly Girl

Story of a bubbly girl I once knew

3y ago

How I Met My Master – 1

How I found my way to the ashram

3y ago

What Can You Do for Your Love?

If there exists a limit, what would that extreme be for you...

3y ago

Take It Easy, Take It Forward

What can you offer to someone who doesn't need anything

4y ago

I Don’t Want to Dance

I don't want to dance but ...

4y ago

Does God Really Needs Our Money?

Or is He above all these materialistic offerings?

4y ago

Maya Squared = Maya²= Double the Trap

What is the equivalence of the elusive Maya in today's world?

4y ago

Consciousness of five elements

Connecting to the source is the easiest way of feeling the bliss.

4y ago

How to chase a dream?

Unlock the power of discipline and persistence in life to realise any goal in...

4y ago

How not to help others!

What to do when you genuinely wanted to help someone but the same person...

4y ago

What Are You Seeking in This Life?

Ideally, there is no right or wrong pursuit. Just that every pursuit has a...