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5y ago
The Secret of Great Communication

Here are three magic words that can take your communication skills to an entirely different level.

9y ago
The Mindful Chatterbox

If you want to enjoy the beauty of life then learn to turn off the chatterbox.

11y ago
The Anatomy of a Thought

Thoughts are like waves, they may be inviting but they remain transient and volatile. Meditate for insight.

11y ago
The Worst Disease

What illness dries you out, hollows you and weakens you from the core? It's not cancer, it's even worse.

11y ago
How to Get Rid of Impure Thoughts

The mind is like a monkey, forever hopping from one place to another. It's not pure-impure or good-bad. It just is.

11y ago
Using Attention to Get Over Hurt

Learn the art of directing your attention from hurtful and negative thoughts to happy and positive ones.

12y ago
How to Overcome Negativity

Just like a series of water drops make up a waterfall, a series of thoughts make up your mental state.

13y ago
Thoughts: The Third Hurdle in Meditation

Tidal waves of stray thoughts can rock your boat of a quiet mind disrupting your meditation.

13y ago
The Three Legged Elephant

You can't not think about something by not thinking about it. The mind will cling to whatever you want to avoid.

13y ago
Friends and Foes

In the inner world, in your mind, friends and foes are positive and negative thoughts that live together.

13y ago
Meditation and Thoughts

In the beginning, thoughts continue to bother, unsettle and distract the meditator. With persistence and patience, the good meditator rises above them.

14y ago
Mind, Thoughts and Desires

Likes waves in the ocean, thoughts are constant in the human mind; you let one pass and the other one follows right behind.

14y ago
The Desire Tree

Desires prompt us to act, but it helps to know their source because they make us what we become.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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