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6y ago
The Opposite of Kindness

Ever wondered what the opposite of kindness is? Is it to be unkind or something else?

6y ago

What's a wallaby doing here? Read till the end.

6y ago
Politeness Versus Humility

In the absence of humility any spiritual attainment vanishes like dew upon sunrise.

6y ago
Being Good

It isn't easy but self-realization is not possible without being good.

6y ago
A Thousand Marbles

Here's a beautiful story reminding us of what really matters in life.

6y ago
Excess Baggage

To make spiritual progress, we must get out of our own way or the boulder of emotions will keep rolling back.

6y ago
The Marshmallow Experiment

Is it possible to regulate your emotions so you feel a certain way under most circumstances?

6y ago
The ABC of Life

Is there no way out of the suffering sometimes this life seems to be?

6y ago

Does enlightenment mean you will forever surf the waves of bliss?

6y ago
Mind Full to Mindful

A single flower blooms, and throughout the world it is spring.

6y ago
Intention Vs Skill

The train of success travels on the bridge between intention and skill.

6y ago
Cottleston Pie

How do you know which path you should take to realize yourself? Is meditation the only way?

6y ago
The Spirit of Service

Our willingness to serve than be served is sometimes the only difference between heaven and hell.

6y ago
The Tearing Thought

What to do when the wild elephant of thoughts tears into your garden of peace and quiet?

6y ago
The Right to Dream

What does it take to realize a dream? Here's an inspirational true life story.