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4y ago
The Book of Kindness

How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself

5y ago
The Hammer and the Key

Here is how to tame the mind or to experience a flow of quietude on demand

5y ago
Hungry Baba and the New Normal

My thoughts and views on the feedback from many readers on the recent changes to my blog

5y ago
The Stories we Tell

Whatever you magnify takes centre stage in your life. Look elsewhere and you find a different story.

5y ago
Realizing Your True Potential

Here is why working to our full potential is the key to lasting happiness.

5y ago
The Last Letter

When the day arrives, in the final analysis, what will be on your mind?

5y ago
The Balloon Principle

What is it that propels average organizations to the height of greatness?

5y ago
How To Increase Brain Power?

Fancy building your brainpower? Here's how to do it.

5y ago
The Secret of A Happy Marriage

Here's the secret ingredient of making a marriage work...with an insightful story from Saint Kabir's life.

5y ago
How to be Calm

Here's a simple story with a golden advice on how to be at peace and not hurt your relationships.

5y ago
The Bowl That Never Fills

Here's a beautiful true story to make you think...

5y ago
The Gifts of Hurt

Here's a beautiful story showing how to deal with difficult circumstances in life.

5y ago
Making a Genius

Is it possible to make any child a genius or are geniuses born with a certain temperament? Here's a fascinating true story.