Let go and breathe in the real you

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4y ago
Healing Through Forgiveness

You can't really move on in life unless you allow self-healing

9y ago
The Hall of a Thousand Mirrors

Here's a beautiful story illustrating how we shape our own world and attract a certain type of people.

9y ago
When They Hurt You

The various colors and waterfalls of human emotions make the river of life only more beautiful, blue and breathtaking.

10y ago
The Most Difficult Emotion

A beautiful story from the life of Buddha gives a profound message of mastering the most difficult emotion.

10y ago
A Word on Compassion

Think of compassion as sacrifice. It is putting other person's interests before your own. It's a choice.

10y ago
How to Apologize

An apology is genuine when you don't repeat your offense and when you offer no excuse.

10y ago
How to Forgive

Forgiveness is letting go, it's a gift. It is as much about the recipient as the giver.

12y ago
Forgive Yourself

Are you riding the weight or carrying it? Either way, let go. Forgive yourself for peace and bliss.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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