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1 year ago

What seems like an impossible obstacle for a novice is but simply not a problem for a specialist.

1 year ago
The Illusion of Separation

How about some Vedic philosophy on a beautiful Saturday morning?

1 year ago
The Witness

Here's a beautiful story and a powerful method to ease your pain, no matter what the circumstances.

1 year ago
The Inferior Race

Know who are the best and the worst when it comes to ancestry. Or does race even play a role?

1 year ago
Choosing a Master

How do you evaluate a guru? Or can you?

2y ago
A Fox’s Awakening

Plus, baby pillows and other pointless mentions.

2y ago
The Bee Struggle

What happens when you hit the glass ceiling?

2y ago
Is It True?

Here's how to get over hurtful words. Plus, other announcements.

2y ago
Care to Stop?

How well do you know your friends, coworkers, or simply those around you?

2y ago

How well do you know your attachments?

2y ago

Sometimes, one question is enough to trigger a lifelong transformation...

2y ago
Make Hay While the Sun Shines

For the fire will rage one day...

3y ago
Four Kinds of Maturity

How mature do you think you are?