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3y ago
दान है तो हिसाब कैसा

ध्यान है तो विघ्न कैसा, विघ्न है तो ध्यान कैसा ?

7y ago
The Secret of a Good Relationship

Rejoicing in togetherness is akin to sitting next to a fireplace. Here's a beautiful little story...

7y ago
Whom to Please

It is quite possible for two people to be in love, be together and yet be on different paths. Love is not about constantly pleasing the other person.

8y ago
Four Aspects of Mindful Parenting

Here are four aspects of mindful parenting capable of transforming the life of any child...

8y ago
Parental Compassion

If you are going to be over protective, it'll take them much longer to be independent — emotionally and otherwise.

8y ago
The Art of Criticism

Here's an effective, positive and practical way of providing constructive feedback. The Sandwich Method.

8y ago
The Art of Love

Love is not as much about perfection and compatibility as it is about understanding and harmony.

8y ago
The Essence of Friendship

Friends are like different flowers in a bouquet, each one has its own beauty, fragrance and color.

8y ago
A Word on Love

To love is to make the other person at perfect ease in your presence, so they can be themselves.

9y ago
The Drama Triangle

Love flows without resentment like water from a mountain in the one who learns to loves himself first.

9y ago
When Care Destroys Love

Obsessive care cripples love like excessive water destroys plants

9y ago
A Fistful of Love

A Fistful of love is my latest paperback containing fifty posts on love, relationships and life from this blog.

9y ago
To Love and Be Loved Back

For the caring heart, love knocks on the most unexpected door at the least expected time.

9y ago
When They Hurt You

The various colors and waterfalls of human emotions make the river of life only more beautiful, blue and breathtaking.