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13y ago
Staying True to Your Purpose

When you stay the course, staying true to your purpose, the journey becomes enjoyable, and the path, colorful.

13y ago
A Himalayan Memory

The stillness in a doe's compassionate eyes easily surpasses any yogin's perfected gaze.

13y ago
Karma: Action of Three Types

Every karma must bear fruit and karmas are of three types according to the Bhagavad Gita.

13y ago
Give or Take?

Is there more to giving and taking than meets the eye?

13y ago

Watch the beautiful video based on shivashtakama, a Vedic eulogy to Lord Shiva, the foremost yogi.

13y ago
My Time in the Himalayan Woods

The time I spent meditating in the mesmerizing Himalayas was one of the best periods of my life. The present is equally beautiful.

13y ago
Does God Get Angry?

Is it possible that God gets angry with you and punishes you for your sins and bad karma? If so, would he be God, really?

13y ago
Bhaj Govindam – 6

Shankracharya urges us to exercise surrender, meditate and work towards the real goal of human life — Salvation.

13y ago
Bhaj Govindam – 5

Have you ever wondered who are you and what you are holding on to? Hear the exposition on the verses to reflect on their deep wisdom.

13y ago
Bhaj Govindam – 4

Your salvation depends on your state of mind, your karma. Realization of truth can help you live in this world with peace and bliss.

13y ago
Bhaj Govindam – 3

Life continues to move while most people are stuck in their desires, goals and hopes. Why do you do what you do? Reflect on your actions.

13y ago
Bhaj Govindam – 2

In this second of the six parts of Bhaj Govindam, listen to the exposition on the next six verses of this stotra.

13y ago
Bhaj Govindam – 1

Bhaj Govindam by Shankracharya is laced with profound and eternal wisdom. In this discourse the first six verses are covered.

13y ago
The Whole Nine Minutes

Here's a video showing my usual life at the ashram. Things have changed since this video was first made in 2011.

13y ago
The Successful and Successfool

What is the definition of success? Who is a successful person and what price is fair to attain success?