Latest Posts

10y ago
A Word on Compassion

Think of compassion as sacrifice. It is putting other person's interests before your own. It's a choice.

11y ago
How did We Happen?

The question you should be asking is not what is the purpose of human life, but what is the purpose of your life.

11y ago
The Guru

Just like the full moon that softly dispels the darkness, a genuine master lights up your soul.

11y ago
Do You have Faith?

What is faith? How does a rose bloom? Read the story.

11y ago
A Random Act of Kindness

The question of my bread is a material question, but of my neighbor's bread is a spiritual question. ~Nikolai Berdyaev

11y ago
The Two Realizations

There is no such thing as a free lunch; you have to work towards it, you have to earn it.

11y ago
Listening to Nature

On your path, Nature always gives you cues. It pays to pay attention to them. How? Read the story.

11y ago
The Most Fundamental Human Desire

Feeling loved is like sitting next to a calm ocean. It's inexplicable. You become an ocean yourself. You feel complete.

11y ago
The Fear of Death

Water evaporates and it rains back, Nature's play continues. Everything in nature is eternal. It only gets transformed.

12y ago
Surrendering to a Guru

How can you fill a cup that's already full? Who can help you if you believe you've got it figured out already?

12y ago
The Meaning of Surrender

Surrender is a form of acceptance and you can surrender like a kitten or a monkey. Which one are you?

12y ago
How To Enjoy Life?

A leaf, once disconnected from the source, starts to dry and decay rapidly. Stay connected for infinite joy and bliss.

12y ago
Being Compassionate

Just like rain water collects in a pond, virtues congregate in a kind heart. Be compassionate to be strong.

12y ago
Does Prayer Work?

The effectiveness of your prayer depends on the depth and strength of your faith. You create your own miracles.

13y ago
Sex and Spirituality

Nature thrives and survives on love; sex, in the right spirit, is an extension, a spiritual expression of such love.