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2y ago
Mental Health Quotes

Mental Health - Your Priority, Your Soul's Quest, Your Story!

2y ago
What is Karma Yoga?

A spiritual practice of "selfless action performed for the benefit of others"

2y ago
How to Get Rid of Past Karma

Don’t forget your actions alone have the power to alter your future by balancing out your karmic debt

2y ago
Destiny and Karma Philosophy

Your karma decides your destiny

2y ago
Law of Attraction Quotes

When you are blinded by your ego you won't be able to see your shortcomings.

2y ago
Shraadh Karma – Tarpan

Pitru paksha is seen as a ritual to repay debts to our ancestors.

2y ago
Karma Memes

Your Karma lies in your hands, heart, laughter (...and memes). Act now to liberate yourself, in joy!

3y ago
Self-Love Quotes

Loving yourself is the first step toward loving others.

3y ago
Discover the Purpose of Life With Three Golden Questions

The purpose of your life is a secret known only to you. With these tips, learn to seek your purpose within. A fulfilling life awaits.

3y ago
Meditation Quotes

Turn inward and reclaim your best life!

3y ago
Deep Quotes

Who you are today is but a fraction of your true nature - magnificent, beloved divinity

3y ago
Depression Quotes

Words to guide you home and feel your heart beat with joy once more.

3y ago
Spiritual Quotes

You are a sky full of stars and you light up your own path :)

3y ago
Sadhana for Intuition and Wellbeing

Here is an easy but effective sadhana for you to do in the month of Kartika

3y ago
Reincarnation: The Journey and Reality

We reincarnate to give, receive, and in the end, become love.