Articles, Videos and more from Om Swami
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The Ultimate Form
A reader asked me what the supreme truth or ultimate form is, or, is there one?
Tilaka, Sri Vidya and Celestial Music
Here's my brief take on why I wear two marks on my forehead, Sri Vidya and celestial music.
Living in Pajamas
Why this world can be a difficult place and why being comfortable with yourself is the easiest way to be at peace — read and find out.
The Silent Agreement of the Faithful
Two regular visitors to the ashram show what unconditional love and loyalty is, not with their words but with their actions.
The Esoteric Meaning of Scriptures
Are the stories in the scriptures a figment of imagination? It's not so much about the literal meaning as much as it's about the esoteric sense.
Life is Like a Musical Instrument
Life is like a musical instrument. The sounds and symphonies it produces, the melodies it creates depend more on the player than on the instrument itself.
The Esoteric Meaning of Diwali
Why do we celebrate Diwali? Here's the esoteric meaning of the festival of lights and a beautiful excerpt from the Tulsi Ramayana.
The DNA of Desires
One desire leads to another. Like the human DNA, desires have their own DNA. Awareness is the key to tame them.
Depression: The Yogic View
The yogic view on depression is more profound than current scientific understanding. Where science treats the brain, yogic texts look at the mind.
The Two Spiritual Approaches
There are two ways to lead your life or walk the spiritual path — the way of the spider or the bee.
The First Step in Meditation
What is the first step for a meditator or a householder on the path of spirituality or self-realization?
Meditation and Thoughts
In the beginning, thoughts continue to bother, unsettle and distract the meditator. With persistence and patience, the good meditator rises above them.
Life is Like…a Movie
Human life is like a movie. What sort of movie it turns out to be is in your hands. You can be the actor or the spectator, or both, perhaps.
The Pursuit of Happiness
Is happiness a journey or the destination? It all depends on one's perspective, and, perspective, in turn, depends on understanding.
Nature and You
Anyone can tap into the immense power of Nature to realize their dreams. But, to work with Nature you must be in harmony with it.