Latest Posts

10y ago
Why do Your Plans Fail?

No matter how fascinating your dream, how great your plan, you must be in touch with reality if you want to succeed.

10y ago
What is Your Opinion About Yourself?

A mind that's turned inward leads to contentment and virtues bloom in a contented heart like flowers do in spring.

10y ago
The Only Thing You Ever Need to Know

What I'm sharing with you today could be your mental and emotional anchor in most difficult situations in life.

10y ago
How Do You Know What You Know?

Rocks of opinion sit there gathering the moss of emotion and distort your view of reality. They hinder your growth.

10y ago
Is Suffering Really Necessary?

The lamp of faith diffuses the darkness of suffering. You begin to see what's beneath, what's around.

10y ago
The Most Difficult Emotion

A beautiful story from the life of Buddha gives a profound message of mastering the most difficult emotion.

10y ago
When will My Bad Time End?

"Why does this always happen to me?" This is the most common question people ask when tough times eclipse their lives, when adversity gnaws at their happiness.

10y ago
The Eternal Truth

All living entities are constantly working towards the same truth. It's simple and penetrating. Here's my perspective.

10y ago
The Path of Personal Fulfillment

Our happiness depends a great deal on a sense of personal fulfillment and that, in turn, depends on pursuing what matters to us.

11y ago
What do You Really Want?

We are caged by our desires. Why didn't the nightingale see the snare? Read the story.

11y ago
What’s Your Excuse?

All other things being equal, there is a fundamental difference between those who succeed and those who don't.

11y ago
Three Most Important Questions

If you asked yourself these questions, you might be living your life a bit differently. Read the story.

11y ago
What is Love?

The light of love is dependent on four conditions. Fail one and it flickers, fail two and it goes away.

11y ago
Why do People Get Bored?

Boredom becomes peace when you are content and unaffected by non-action.

11y ago
What is Beautiful?

Beneath beauty lies a sense of connection. Whatever you can connect with, you will find beautiful.